Fic rec!

Mar 16, 2015 21:40

I got a lovely little present at Humpfest 2015, and I think y'all should all go read and love on it. The wonderful katmarajade wrote me a fantastically fun Percy/Padma piece!

Stripping Down (Percy Weasley/Padma Patil | R)
Summary: Percy tries to get back into his wife's good graces by performing his first ever striptease.

It's a little slow over at hp_humpdrabbles, at least compared to the 2013 wishlist event, but I'm hoping things pick up in the second half of the month. There's still plenty of time for wishlists to be left (imagine me giving y'all who haven't left wishes politely pointed looks ;), and there's lots of wishes to be granted! Even if someone's already had a wish granted, feel free to grant more. :D

As for me, it's Monday, and I have a headache. The doctor ordered wine.

fandom: fic recs, fandom: humps

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