Title: Life's Little Memories (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka
leigh_adamsCharacters: Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,175
Summary: She kept a treasure trove of memories on her dresser.
Author’s Notes: Written for
baby_k21 as part of my
Spring 2013 Drabble Meme. This story is based in the universe of our RPG,
pinksheep_wench, where Keeks write
Ernie and I write
Lisa. The character of
Kenna is a meme baby and belongs to
mugglechump. Warnings for excessive fluff and Godfather references. Keeks, these two crazy kids were my first ship, and I love them so -- and I love you! Hope you enjoy this, bebe! ♥
Life's Little Memories (1/1) at