So, I'm still having to devote portions of my day to curling into a ball and rocking back and forth over Sunday's TWD, BUT WE WILL SEE. I have at least managed, for the most part, to surrender the fantasy that I'm going to have any clue what's going on anytime soon, so there is that. Also, for better or for worse (probably for worse, because it is TWD), Melissa McBride is getting craptons of screentime and press at this point. This makes me happy BECAUSE SHE IS BRILLIANT. And not 23. And brilliant.
Also, I joined
wrisomifu! Thanks for the heads up,
kcountess. I have no idea whether I'll pull it off, but I figure that damn, trying to write for ten minutes per day would be really good for me. So we'll see.
Before Sunday's TWD clusterfuck hit,
adrenalin211 wrote
this fic and I wrote
this fic. Hers is good, mine is porn, whatever. Sounds about standard;)
Happy Halloween, you guys! (Can't wait to deal with trick or treating in the pouring rain.) What's up?