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Lalala I can't hear you (and spoilers for TWD S3) cybertoothtiger October 28 2013, 15:47:48 UTC
Haven't watched it yet, but the good news is, I finished S3, so now I'm only 2 eps behind!

I was spoiled like crazy, except I wouldn't let anyone tell me exactly what happened to Andrea. It was both better and worse than I expected. How do they even write someone as messed up as the Governor? And why would people keep following him? IDK.

Karl and the surrender guy! Oy. I must have a discussion with A. about that. I never would have let him watch if I'd known season 3 was going to be like that. Although, what did I expect, right?

I just can't believe that you're still watching.


Re: Lalala I can't hear you (and spoilers for TWD S3) leigh57 October 28 2013, 16:01:49 UTC
Wait, I'm so confused. I thought you watched the premiere! Or is that what you mean -- that you have last week's and this week's to watch? Ugh, prep yourself. The opener was downright fluffy ( ... )


Re: Lalala I can't hear you (and spoilers for TWD S3) cybertoothtiger October 28 2013, 20:28:51 UTC
Yeah, we watched the premiere, but not the last two eps.

I cannot handle watching things as they air anymore. It's pathetic, really, but either I'm on pins and needles, or I completely forget.

I couldn't stand Andrea, so I wasn't sorry to see her go, but damn.

That said, it was the treatment of Glenn, Beth and Andrea that really got to me as far a A. was concerned. It was so creatively sick. OTOH, it makes 24 look tame, so I guess I can watch that with him now, LOL.

Ugh, now I'm all worried about watching.


Re: Lalala I can't hear you (and spoilers for TWD S3) leigh57 October 28 2013, 20:41:14 UTC
Leave it to me to have entirely forgotten the whole mess with Glenn and Maggie. Yes, I certainly wouldn't want to be watching any of that with N, but then again N is so easily scared that he doesn't have any desire to watch zombies. I can't figure out why tv scares him but not video games, but there you have it.

I actually loved Andrea in a lot of ways, although she made many poor life choices, to be sure. It's just that the final sequence with Milton was so ridiculous and OOC. Which is, imho, where we're headed again this season and I'm just like STOP.

I really get way too much anxiety over fake people; it's so ridiculous.


Re: Lalala I can't hear you (and spoilers for TWD S3) cybertoothtiger October 29 2013, 16:07:05 UTC
Oh. Em. Gee.

What the what? Did the writers not watch any of the other episodes with Carol? Did they not know that to her, having them in isolation would have been enough protection, and she never would have wasted gasoline on burning them? The hell?

Daryl and Michone?

I was trying to sew A's Hallowe'en costume while watching, so I sort of missed Rick going postal, but holy crap. This whole episode was a major mindfuck.


Do they have a new showrunner or something?

'Course, I can't believe they're using untreated surface water when the entire place is crawling with dead things, but whatever. If only Carol hadn't spilled the rainwater.

Yes, the final scene with Andrea and Milton was OOC. She had one hand free and a pair of pliers. No way would she have been bitten.

I thought it would freak A out as well, as he is easily freaked out, but apparently not.


Re: Lalala I can't hear you (and spoilers for TWD S3) leigh57 October 29 2013, 23:19:45 UTC
Yeah, my brain is all ten thousand shades of broken and shows no signs of getting any less broken. I have a million fears about all of this, and one of them is that we're not even going to be more informed after next week, which will SUCK SO HARD. Rick going postal was creepy too, as was Hershel's weird assertion that rage is like alcoholism. I didn't think it worked quite like that, but uh, okay.

I don't know about the water. My impression is that it's basically like a really bad strain of the flu. But then again wtf, I seriously am just like GAH.

There is a new showrunner this year, and I was way good with the first two eps but UGH. Nopity nope for now.


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