So first, because this is making me laugh so freakin' hard even if it's not real,
apparently Stephen Harper doesn't know the different between twerking and tweeting. Happens to the best of us, right? *snorffles*
I went back to work Sunday night and the kids go back to school tomorrow. And I mean, overall that's a very good thing, but I'm going to miss my morning workout buddy like woah. He's seriously like a very small personal trainer.
I've bailed on both House of Cards and The Newsroom. I DON'T KNOW; I JUST CAN'T WATCH TV. Honestly, HOC just got so gross that I started to feel as if I ought to shower when I turned it off, so no thanks. (If anyone wishes to discuss Father's Day, please feel free to do so in comments!) I'm still enjoying the hell out of the Chuck rewatch with N though, and a hilarious thing I've realized is that even though I truly do not ship Chuck and Sarah all that much, the second one of them is with anybody else, I freak OUT.
BUT, holy shit.
adrenalin211 and I randomly picked up S3 24 right when Jack got back from Mexico, AND HOLY FUCK WHY IS THAT SHOW SO GOOD? Jack killing Nina and badass as hell Michelle, the horrible augh of Chappelle and Jack being the most adorable dad who ever existed. He hugs Kim so much this season. I cannot stand the cute.
Last night we had a storm that dropped the temperature 15 degrees in about an hour, and when it was gone it left the most amazing rainbow I've seen in years. Actually, it was a double, but the second one was super faint. I am SO ready for fall, and to be able to walk up the hill to my office without sweating. ANYWAY. Come tell me something fun to keep me awake if you have time!