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lowriseflare and
TOP 5 ME! Books, art, culture, politics, music, fandom stuff, movies, television, anything. Ask as many as you'd like. Be vague. Be specific. I don't care if it's mundane or off the wall.
Help! Entertain me while I try to decide whether I should write a bunch of TWD sex or clean my entire house:) I'll Top 5 you back.
1. Take the guns. All of them. What a person would have to do to get a gun of any type would be ridiculous, repeated, and painful. There would be no high capacity magazines, and I would have a huge buyback for the guns that are already out there. Of course I'm smart enough to realize this wouldn't fix the entire problem, but it's what would happen if I were in charge.
2. Universal health care, 100% across the board.
3. The entire issue of gay marriage would disappear. Either I'd just abolish marriage totally (except if you want to do a church thing) and have civil unions, or everybody can get married and it's exactly the same.
4. I'm not sure how this would even be done, but I'd change the system as far as education is concerned. Higher teacher pay, less teaching to the test, way less retaining teachers who suck just because they've worked at the school for a thousand years.
5. (I could go on like this forever, just sayin'.) Probably something around the idea of reintroducing a service component into the general way we think about life. Somehow, since WWII, we have become this country (and I think in a lot of ways, it bleeds out into so many other places) that celebrates youth, beauty, and greed, and suggests that every single person is somehow great just for being them because they are special snowflake and never need to give anything back. Just no to that. So I don't know how it would work, but it would definitely involve the encouragement of some type of service being part of a high school or college diploma, or both.
Hehe, listen to me high horse.
Problem is, that's what Obama had on his first term. Running a country is hard.
I DO like you idea about public service. It could be the military, but it doesn't have to be.
Five questions for me?
Yes, 5 Things for you!
5 foods you are willing to hunt for even though they might be difficult to find
5 things that are totally fantastic about being single
5 shows you'd recommend to someone who has never watched television in their life
1. High quality dutch licorice
2. A truly extraordinary Cheese Danish
3. Israel couscous, the kind that come in tiny little balls.
4. Kicking Horse Kick Ass Espresso. Not hard to find, but rather expensive.
5. Fresh trout.
Being Single:
1. If I want cereal for dinner, so be it.
2. Coming home to a gloriously empty apartment is sometimes lonely, but mostly it's awesome.
3. If said apartment is a mess, I have only myself to blame.
4. Self-sufficiency. I do rely on my family and friends for some emotional support, but I like knowing I have the tools to care for myself financially and physically.
5. Being spontaneous about doing things or not doing things.
Wow, that seemed self-centered! I should add that I have time to focus on my community, but many parents and married people I know are far more engaged in community activism than me.
TV Shows! That is a super hard question, what is a great show for one person isn't the show for someone else. Nonetheless:
1. Original Star Trek. Campy yet profound.
2. 24.
3. Homeland
4. Game of Thrones
5. Mad Men.
Cereal for dinner is awesome, as is cold pizza:)
Ah, Mad Men. The show that almost all adult humans who are even remotely like me seem to love. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME. Hee.
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