So, five things that are true today:
1. While I enjoy the sun, the onset of pushing the eighties temps has plunged me into a deep depression. *sobs*
2. However, the red-winged blackbirds are back in my meadow, and I love to watch them while I drink coffee in the morning. Or anytime, actually:)
3. If there is a zombie apocalypse, I volunteer for the job of repopulating the world with Daryl Dixon. Okay but in all seriousness, TWD is wrecking my brain. It's actually sort of like the anti-24 in one way. On 24, I pretty much agreed with Jack, almost all the time. Yeah, he screwed up occasionally, but mostly I agreed with him, and if not with him with Renee. But the way TWD screws with my emotions is that I agree with everyone. Well not quite everyone because Shane is an asshole and Andrea makes a lot of questionable life choices, but it's just painful to watch this damn show and feel so conflicted when everybody is sort of right. /TWD rant
4. I'm writing (if that's even the word for what I'm doing) TWD fanfic. It was bound to happen probably, and of course I think it sucks, and it's effing HARD to try these new characters who are way less like me than Jack and Renee are, even though uh, Jack and Renee aren't that much like me. Heh. ANYWAY IT'S REALLY HARD AND I JUST NEED TO WHINE ABOUT IT FOR A SECOND. Mmmkay good. Oh and flergh, also under the umbrella of writing, I cannot decide whether to sign up for
het_bigbang or not. I really really am torn beyond belief. But I have a few more days to make up my mind.
5. Even if you don't watch TWD, Bad Lip Readings can always make your life better:
(There are some zombies in this video. Just sayin'.)
Click to view
SO, what is happening with you guys? I am freaking OUT that The Civil Wars are coming out with a new CD, and Adrienne's got me starting to listen to The Lumineers a little. Cheer me up by telling me one thing you really love about summer, if you have time.