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adrenalin211 March 18 2013, 15:58:45 UTC
Hahahahaha. That article on fb likes is really weird. According to it, I'm a white outgoing abstainer with a high IQ. And it's impossible to discern whether or not my parents are separated or together. I love how people who are "Satisfied with life" like Sarah Palin and Glen Beck. Bwah. And low IQ=Harley Davidson and I Love Being A Mom. I'm just like.. what?

Also, *I* like curly fries. Although probably I haven't officially liked them on FB.

LARRY GROWS ON YOU LIKE MOSS. It's true. And I wish I could will into existence the longest AU ever with all the Meredith fic. I mean... if you combine it all it's probably a very very long AU. Idk.

Okay, questions!

[1] What are two adjectives you would be very unhappy to have used as descriptors of you? Deceitful. Immoral. And a bonus third, because I've decided to be honest (see first unwanted adjective):Fat.

[2] Is there an actor/actress who just more or less makes you want to take off your clothes? -- Well. A few, sorta. I'll explain the "sorta" part of it somewhere that is not LJ, ( ... )


leigh57 March 18 2013, 16:27:11 UTC
The FB thing said you were outgoing? I'll be over here in the corner, giggling:P Also, anyone who likes Sarah Palin and Glen Beck and is still satisfied with their life needs to have a serious head examation. Wtf? Did you see Sarah sipping that giant Big Gulp to show how much she's not having any of big government's shit? YEAH, HAVING THE ENTIRE WORLD BE A GIANT FATASS WILL MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER, YOU FUCKING STUPID HO. Ahem. Sorry. I have some feelings. I also have feelings about CNN and how awful our rape culture is, and just ugh stop why does everyone have to suck so much ( ... )


adrenalin211 March 18 2013, 16:35:56 UTC
HAHAHAHA. I'm laughing at myself, because I still don't consider Ledo's pizza. It's like.. something else to me. THE JALAPENO IS DELICIOUS BUT IT IS SO DIFFERENT FROM STANDARD PIZZA THAT MY BRAIN CATEGORIZES IT ALL BY ITSELF IS ALL.

Fuck you, CNN.-- OMG those caps on tumblr. I'm CRINGING. When Fox news is better than you.... well WHAT IS THE END OF THAT SENTENCE? You lose Adrienne as an occasional reader? You suck horse feces? You deserve to be turned off the air or punched in the face? ALL OF THE ABOVE? What the ever living fuck, people? I feel like ALL THE YES IN THE WORLD TO THAT VISUAL. People's feelings that are not important to take into consideration when discussing rape: THE RAPIST'S OBVIOUSLY JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Of course I know all the answers to these, but so did you for me, mostly, and *I* typed them out!

Ahahahaha. I'm off to read your story again. Just sayin'.


leigh57 March 18 2013, 16:40:33 UTC
You are the fucking weirdest about Ledos, because what the fuck is it if it isn't pizza? It makes me laugh a lot that it doesn't categorize the same way in your brain, but hey. That is fine. I just really love it a lot and it's probably a lot better for the size of my ass that we don't have one anywhere near here.

Yeah, I am still in giant cringe mode over everything about the coverage of this Ohio bullshit. God forbid you should have your life ruined WHEN YOU FUCKING RAPE SOMEONE. I am beyond five million percent done with living in a culture that perpetuates this bullshit. Red rage, I have it.

DUDE, stop reading that terrible story. You must have something better to do with your life. I really swear you do. Here look at my sexy icon. Oh god I typed sex icon. Save meeeeeeee.


adrenalin211 March 18 2013, 16:44:10 UTC
Can't stop won't stop.

Idk it just tastes more like... idk. It doesn't taste like any pizza I've ever had! So. God, it is so good though. I really loved the jalapeno one.

I AM looking at your sex icon.


leigh57 March 18 2013, 18:19:01 UTC
The man's arms are ruining my life.



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