1. Slurpees. Yes, definitely in the summer, but only a very small. Cream soda and Coke, or straight orange. Or lime, if they have it. I used to have a deal with the boys that we could stop for one after school if it hit 20 degrees, but it was really warm last year, so I might have to up the qualifying temperature. The year before it happened about three times. They mix all the flavours. It's disgusting.
2. Um, he sounds like Alan Rickman if you close your eyes? Otherwise, I'm pretty much a sucker for any intellectual British guy in a sweater, but I only think about him when he's actually on my TV or whatever, so probably only about a 5? He's no Tom from MI5, is what I'm saying.
3. I don't think so, although I identify strongly with Piglet. Oh, the middle daughter on Modern Family is pretty much like what I was like as a teenager.
S6-7 Jack? No! No dating. Absolutely not. He was full of woe and everyone he'd every loved had been taken away from him, and it took someone who truly understood the price he had paid to do what he did to thaw him out. But what made it bittersweet with Renee is that she had to ante up herself before she started to understand. They were brought together only when her life started to be destroyed. Woe.
Otherwise, I imagine lots of moody motorcycle riding, throwing himself into various rebuilding projects at places he'd helped to blow up, doing a little sari shopping, and then Carl's place and more woe.
Ah yes, Slurpees! As I was saying upthread, that's what my friends called them when I was small and never allowed to have them. i can't even remember why I didn't drink them in HS. Possibly because I already thought they were revolting, as I do now. But I'm glad to hear S isn't the only one who enjoys the nasty mixing thing. We let him get one when we go to MD, because I don't even know where you'd find one around here.
You think Benedict Cumberbatch sounds like Alan Rickman? I'll have to close my eyes and test this theory at some point! For me, he has the appeal of rotting cabbage, but it seems that half the known universe wants to have his babies, so I am in the minority.
PIGLET. Yes, I remember you saying that. I adore Piglet. He's my fav Pooh character.
OKAY, I was just asking for theories about Jack. What you said lines up exactly with what I think (including the Renee comments . . . sob sob sob sob sob), but I was trying to make sure that I wasn't squinting to see it the way that I want to. He's so fucking touchy at the beginning of S7 I can't imagine he's been physically close to anyone. He and Carl have the cutest bromance in Redemption though. I've watched it twice since Kay bought it for me and YUM.
No, I think you're right that Renee was the first after Audrey. Otherwise, his meep over Audrey would have been pretty cheap. Sorry, I wasn't meaning to jump down your throat, just reacting to the idea that he would have dated. That said, I did read one fic by whats-her-face who started 24nmore about him and some woman in the former Yugoslavia (whichever part had the coast, sorry, brain dead. Jetlag.) that was completely plausible. Casual dating, no, but then I can't imagine post S1 Jack as a casual dater at all. Before that, he was probably a bit of a flirt, if completely loyal to Teri before the split. I think Nina would have made him much more cautious about women, and then there was all of the manpain from Teri.
Yes. I think it's the second ep of the first season of Sherlock, and there's a bit where he's interviewing someone in prison and either they don't show his face, or I wasn't looking or something, but I got all excited that AR was guest starring. Sadly, no. Although right now I'm mad at AR because he was such a knob to Emma Thompson's character in Love, Actually. Pfft.
What? You didn't go down my throat! Unless I was being tone deaf and didn't notice, lulz. I can't see him dating at ALL, or even being interested in the concept, but my point was that I do realize how much I see everything as someone who worships Renee AND as someone who didn't hop about this crazy train before S7. So I was looking for input from people who watched way before that. Thank you for validating my shippy thoughts;)
Oh man, that scene in Love Actually. I cannot even watch the one where she falls apart. I cannot. She cries, I cry. It's that simple. But I cannot loathe AR at all, because SNAPE.
Okay, that's cool. I was worried the all-caps okay was irritation, but it was agreement. I blame the jet-lag, as I also notice that I used the exact same words in my comment to you on my entry that I had already used in my entry. Fail.
Anyhoo. Reading some of the comments downthread, I remembered that I had actually written a really terrible fic in which Jack has meaningless sex post-Debrief, because it would let him get out of his own life for a while. I also wrote another one for exactly the same time period in which he contemplates how Audrey's sacrifice must give his life a higher meaning. So I guess my thoughts on this are inconsistent? I can see him wanting some sort of release, and he wouldn't go back to heroin, but there is canonical support for him being weak, sometimes. Dating, no. He didn't bang Diane (I don't think) because that would have led to a relationship.
As for sex as a weapon, I can see him using meaningless sex against himself, but not someone else.
Also, I fully admit that the existence of prostitution reminds me that I really don't understand the relationship between men, emotions and sex at all. Not that I'm saying Jack would go that route, just that it's entirely possible his motivations re. sex may be somewhat opaque to me.
I never saw this fic! I mean, I entirely cop to not reading a lot of fic that happens before S7, for a whole variety of reasons that will surprise nobody. But I have read some of your early work! Where's the link to this meaningless sex fic?
Huh, you don't think Jack and Diane (ahahahahaha) did the wild thing? I always sort of assumed that they did, and then he felt bad about that because of the entire mess with Audrey. I actually couldn't quite figure that out out, because it wouldn't have been meaningless sex the way Jack was with Diane in S5, but I also think he was still very into Audrey, so idk. Maybe he's a lot less virtuous than I love to make him out to be;) WHATEVER. Mostly I was asking for thoughts to go behind this ficlet I'm writing as the next installment of the neverending little Christmas vignettes that started last year.
There's a lot of conversation in this post about sex vs. intimacy. And while of course I realize that sex doesn't have to be intimate, I still find myself less comfortable than some people are with believing that Jack would be okay with meaningless sex just to get off (post-China, I mean). Shockingly enough, this isn't even because of how wonderful I find him. It's because of what I see as his epic issues with engaging with human beings on almost any level, and at least the way he struck me in Redemption and at the beginning of S7, he would just have preferred to beat off in the shower. YMMV, obviously!
OMG. I don't know if I'm brave enough to link to it. It's pretty bad. But whatever. Here's the one with and the one without the meaningless sex.
I didn't think Jack and Diane (hee) actually did anything, more that there was a lot of stirrings. But it would work either way. The fact that he's comfortable bossing her son around suggests that they probably did.
Yeah, seeing that photo montage with the scars makes me think probably no sex. If there was, I think it would have happened fairly soon after he got back and would have been a horribly traumatic mistake not to be repeated until Renee came along, when it was horribly traumatic for different reasons.
OMG, it's you on ff.net! I had to go check if I even had an account there, because that is seriously how lame my brain is. I do, in fact, although I would have no idea how to get into it. I wonder if I used any of the same passwords.
KIM. I am starting to need more and more fic with Kim in it, idek! And you know? It's kind of fun for me to read people going with well . . . I want to say darker!Jack, but it's not as if I haven't written him dark. Just like, a different vision than I think you get when you come in with S7. I like the edgier Jack!
Oh man, all this damn scar talk is making me so meepy, because it reminds me of my icon. I flip out to this day at how significant it is that he doesn't even flinch. WAUGH.
OMG, it's so awful. Songfic, yegads. *Hangs head in shame*
Also, I apparently had a thing about Jack and substance abuse. There is really nothing in canon to suggest that he is a heavy drinker at all, but almost every fic I wrote had him drowning his sorrows. What? Ahahaha. Oh, the horror of going back to old fics. A whole multi-chapter fic of pretty much nothing but him getting wasted with the Salazars, ahoy. I just. Yeah. Well.
ff.net is handy for organizing stuff. Especially as didn't start posting copies to my own LJ until fairly late, and it's a bitch to go back through the comm.
Once I realized that Kim was mini!Jack, I liked her a whole lot better. I always liked her better than Teri, anyway. Cougars and all.
I often feel as if something is WRONG with me when I admit that I found the Salazars a great deal more laughable and boring than in any way compelling. I'm not a lover of S3 overall, although I do like Tony and Michelle a lot. I mean, it has its great points. (Chappelle, OMG, I still cannot even deal with how hard that hit me even though I knew it was on the way.) But it's just not a season that really got me going. Still, it has the distinction of being the season in which Jack killed Nina, so there is THAT:)
And hey. Had there never been Ramon Salazar, there would not be that fic in which he has Jack in a choke chain and is yelling, "ONLY THE FAITHFUL SHALL HAVE MY COCK!"
OMG, there is nothing wrong with you for thinking that. The Salazars were so dumb. That scene on the party plane with Ramon was just embarrassing. And Kyle Singer. And Stephen Saunders. The whole season was pretty risible. Although, not only did it give us that fic line, it also gave us the term 'Terrorarium,' which made me so happy.
There were a few amazing moments, for sure. Jack's face when Ramon makes him get out of the truck and walk and he has to beg for his life is intense. And Chappelle. Woe.
The entire series is now on Netflix. It's only a click away... except fast forwarding is annoying in Netflix, and there are so many parts I skip over on the rewatch.
One thing I do love about S3 is that once you've seen the whole series, it's easy to look back at S3 and see the many differences that were pointed out between Tony and Jack. It's not that I think that writes off anything Tony did in S7 (or that I think wasn't a wild move designed for shock value), but S3 just had such great stuff with the Jack/Tony/Michelle thing and the way they mixed. THAT part I liked. The rest, no, and the entire Mexico thing made me want to go to sleep, until Nina showed up and scared me shitless like she always does. I was a lot more interested once everybody was dying of the plague;)
I don't have to deal with Netflix, because I have all of it on DVD. Woe. That's a lot of money to give a show with which I have such a love/hate relationship!
2. Um, he sounds like Alan Rickman if you close your eyes? Otherwise, I'm pretty much a sucker for any intellectual British guy in a sweater, but I only think about him when he's actually on my TV or whatever, so probably only about a 5? He's no Tom from MI5, is what I'm saying.
3. I don't think so, although I identify strongly with Piglet. Oh, the middle daughter on Modern Family is pretty much like what I was like as a teenager.
S6-7 Jack? No! No dating. Absolutely not. He was full of woe and everyone he'd every loved had been taken away from him, and it took someone who truly understood the price he had paid to do what he did to thaw him out. But what made it bittersweet with Renee is that she had to ante up herself before she started to understand. They were brought together only when her life started to be destroyed. Woe.
Otherwise, I imagine lots of moody motorcycle riding, throwing himself into various rebuilding projects at places he'd helped to blow up, doing a little sari shopping, and then Carl's place and more woe.
You think Benedict Cumberbatch sounds like Alan Rickman? I'll have to close my eyes and test this theory at some point! For me, he has the appeal of rotting cabbage, but it seems that half the known universe wants to have his babies, so I am in the minority.
PIGLET. Yes, I remember you saying that. I adore Piglet. He's my fav Pooh character.
OKAY, I was just asking for theories about Jack. What you said lines up exactly with what I think (including the Renee comments . . . sob sob sob sob sob), but I was trying to make sure that I wasn't squinting to see it the way that I want to. He's so fucking touchy at the beginning of S7 I can't imagine he's been physically close to anyone. He and Carl have the cutest bromance in Redemption though. I've watched it twice since Kay bought it for me and YUM.
Yes. I think it's the second ep of the first season of Sherlock, and there's a bit where he's interviewing someone in prison and either they don't show his face, or I wasn't looking or something, but I got all excited that AR was guest starring. Sadly, no. Although right now I'm mad at AR because he was such a knob to Emma Thompson's character in Love, Actually. Pfft.
Oh man, that scene in Love Actually. I cannot even watch the one where she falls apart. I cannot. She cries, I cry. It's that simple. But I cannot loathe AR at all, because SNAPE.
Anyhoo. Reading some of the comments downthread, I remembered that I had actually written a really terrible fic in which Jack has meaningless sex post-Debrief, because it would let him get out of his own life for a while. I also wrote another one for exactly the same time period in which he contemplates how Audrey's sacrifice must give his life a higher meaning. So I guess my thoughts on this are inconsistent? I can see him wanting some sort of release, and he wouldn't go back to heroin, but there is canonical support for him being weak, sometimes. Dating, no. He didn't bang Diane (I don't think) because that would have led to a relationship.
As for sex as a weapon, I can see him using meaningless sex against himself, but not someone else.
Also, I fully admit that the existence of prostitution reminds me that I really don't understand the relationship between men, emotions and sex at all. Not that I'm saying Jack would go that route, just that it's entirely possible his motivations re. sex may be somewhat opaque to me.
Huh, you don't think Jack and Diane (ahahahahaha) did the wild thing? I always sort of assumed that they did, and then he felt bad about that because of the entire mess with Audrey. I actually couldn't quite figure that out out, because it wouldn't have been meaningless sex the way Jack was with Diane in S5, but I also think he was still very into Audrey, so idk. Maybe he's a lot less virtuous than I love to make him out to be;) WHATEVER. Mostly I was asking for thoughts to go behind this ficlet I'm writing as the next installment of the neverending little Christmas vignettes that started last year.
There's a lot of conversation in this post about sex vs. intimacy. And while of course I realize that sex doesn't have to be intimate, I still find myself less comfortable than some people are with believing that Jack would be okay with meaningless sex just to get off (post-China, I mean). Shockingly enough, this isn't even because of how wonderful I find him. It's because of what I see as his epic issues with engaging with human beings on almost any level, and at least the way he struck me in Redemption and at the beginning of S7, he would just have preferred to beat off in the shower. YMMV, obviously!
I didn't think Jack and Diane (hee) actually did anything, more that there was a lot of stirrings. But it would work either way. The fact that he's comfortable bossing her son around suggests that they probably did.
Yeah, seeing that photo montage with the scars makes me think probably no sex. If there was, I think it would have happened fairly soon after he got back and would have been a horribly traumatic mistake not to be repeated until Renee came along, when it was horribly traumatic for different reasons.
KIM. I am starting to need more and more fic with Kim in it, idek! And you know? It's kind of fun for me to read people going with well . . . I want to say darker!Jack, but it's not as if I haven't written him dark. Just like, a different vision than I think you get when you come in with S7. I like the edgier Jack!
Oh man, all this damn scar talk is making me so meepy, because it reminds me of my icon. I flip out to this day at how significant it is that he doesn't even flinch. WAUGH.
Also, I apparently had a thing about Jack and substance abuse. There is really nothing in canon to suggest that he is a heavy drinker at all, but almost every fic I wrote had him drowning his sorrows. What? Ahahaha. Oh, the horror of going back to old fics. A whole multi-chapter fic of pretty much nothing but him getting wasted with the Salazars, ahoy. I just. Yeah. Well.
ff.net is handy for organizing stuff. Especially as didn't start posting copies to my own LJ until fairly late, and it's a bitch to go back through the comm.
Once I realized that Kim was mini!Jack, I liked her a whole lot better. I always liked her better than Teri, anyway. Cougars and all.
Scars, meep.
And hey. Had there never been Ramon Salazar, there would not be that fic in which he has Jack in a choke chain and is yelling, "ONLY THE FAITHFUL SHALL HAVE MY COCK!"
There were a few amazing moments, for sure. Jack's face when Ramon makes him get out of the truck and walk and he has to beg for his life is intense. And Chappelle. Woe.
The entire series is now on Netflix. It's only a click away... except fast forwarding is annoying in Netflix, and there are so many parts I skip over on the rewatch.
I don't have to deal with Netflix, because I have all of it on DVD. Woe. That's a lot of money to give a show with which I have such a love/hate relationship!
But oh oh! I can watch Netflix on my IPAD!!!
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