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Comments 18

wendelah1 January 2 2013, 15:56:03 UTC
I loved your story.

I am still using my own style's friend's pages, but I'm not using one of LJs styles. I tried their new friends page and didn't like the infinite scrolling. Or all of the white and the blue stripes. It was ugly.


leigh57 January 2 2013, 16:03:50 UTC
Thanks so much! Truly I felt as if I had no idea what I was doing the entire time, but hey. It was fun to stretch. And rewatching the movie for "research" was a bonus, because I adore it.

I loathe the new friends page for a lot of reasons, two of which are the ones you mentioned. Mostly I hate it because hello, I didn't get this insane layout from Kay so that I could never see it on the page I use most. Argh. I just thought that at some point they were going to force us to use the new friends page, and I was wondering if it had happened to anyone yet. Hmmmm.

You have so many awesome Mulder and Scully icons:)


adrenalin211 January 2 2013, 20:35:40 UTC
Do you like the music? I mean I noticed that your current song was one that I sent. It's not something I think you'd get all GAH about. But a couple of them were. I'm waiting to see if I'm right.

Oh man! Thanks for pimping my yuletide babe! That's so sweet. I'm glad that you consider yourself lucky that I got you. That's really such a compliment. So many of the Yuletide people are talented. I didn't get a chance to read a whole lot, but you know. What I did read wasn't like eoeoeoeoeoe. Your story is absolutely amazing and I have yet to comment on it the way that I want to.

Yay gym! Yay iPad mini that is so COOL. I had no idea how cool it was. I'm very excited for you.

Glad you could catch some quiet. And a workout. Muah.


leigh57 January 2 2013, 21:16:20 UTC
I've barely had a chance to sample it yet, but I really like the one that was my current music when I put up this post. I need to get it on my iPad or my iPod so it's more portable. I'm always running about. Hee, and I will tell you if you're right, promise.

I LOVE YOUR YULETIDE SO MUCH, HEISUGHRUEISLGFUGHSIEURFGUEISLFGHUIESFGHUIESLGHUIESLGFIRULGFUISLEGFHUSIL. So many happy grins on my face. Dude, do not comment on that story! You put enough into it betaing when you were trying to write me ten million words, seriously.

I'm not gonna lie -- I feel kinda validated now that you love the iPad mini. When I got it and told you , you were so "meh," and I was like WELL FINE SHE IS CLEARLY NOT FEELING THE LOVE, WHATEVER. But now that you have touched it, you know how awesome it is.

That's what she said.

Now I really want to listen to that music. But alas, I have to do something with this hair before I hit the dairy. Lulz. Hey did you see my new tumblr avatar? After I made it, I realized you probably would think it was catlike and not like


adrenalin211 January 2 2013, 21:21:39 UTC
Okay. I'll be patient to hear back about the music. A few I think you'll be Eh about, but there are a couple that I heard and thought of you.

I'm SO GLAD you love yuletide! Seriously. I was stressing so much, about both. And I loved betaing Bull Durham. Seriously. So much rock n' roll.

Well it's not that I wasn't enthusiastic about your iPad! I was just having a family overloaded DAY, and I was like "Woe, my external hard drive and mounds of stocking candy do not do cool tricks", so it was very much a selfish moment! It is a super cool machine and I hope you let me touch it next time I see you.

I haven't been on tumblr since last night, but I'll definitely go check it out. And I can't wait for you to listen to the music, too! Lyrics! Ficspiration?


leigh57 January 2 2013, 21:55:28 UTC
WOW, LJ is being seriously bitchy today. I mean seriously. Argh whatever. I totally want to listen dude, I do! It's just. Things! People talking! Too much input! I want to CONCENTRATE.

Meh, I did not mean to be obnoxious about the iPad at all. I was just . . . sharing my squee. Soon you will be all boss with your own boss job and your own boss iPad or whatever you're into. You can totally touch it the next time you visit, ahahahahahaha.

FICSPIRATION! I need that. I was thinking about the Christmas AU today and getting all ridiculous, full stop.


marinw January 3 2013, 01:31:16 UTC
I haven't enabled Siri on my iPod because she freaks me out.

I have the old Friend page on my iMac, on my iPod it's whatever the mobile version is.

I need to re-watch Redemption at some point.

ETA: What app do you use for writing? Gdocs? Do you have of G4 or WiFi iPad?


leigh57 January 3 2013, 01:46:44 UTC
Well you don't have to use her, you know? She's just kind of hilarious sometimes. Today I was showing N how she works and I asked her how hot this girl N likes is. Instead of the girl's name, she thought I said "an adult cat." So I got the answer to "How hot is an adult cat?," which strangely enough involved links to movies. I don't even know.

I bought Pages for my iPad, because I have a keyboard and basically that makes it into a mini-laptop. I want to be able to work offline whenever I feel like it, because I don't have the G4. Just plain wifi. I like Pages quite a bit actually, and writing on the iPad is pretty awesome.


marinw January 3 2013, 01:52:14 UTC
I think I've seen too many science fiction movies where computers take over the world to let Siri into my life.

Pages, huh? I keep erasing the notes I write on my iPod. I may have to resort to A PEN AND PAPER. Oh a chisel and a stone tablet.

I would like to think I do so much writing that this would be an issue, but I abandoned the fic I was working on weeks ago. *Hangs head in shame*


leigh57 January 3 2013, 02:49:21 UTC
I can't write on the iPod at all. My hands are terrible at typing on those keys, so I have to peck and it messes with my brain or something. I have no idea. Heh, chisel and stone tablet;)

Oh man, you abandoned the fic? Well, one thing I learned from Yuletide is that it's a whole lot harder to write something when you have to really gear up and get it going all on your own steam than when it just helpfully starts writing itself in your brain. So I understand.


century_fox January 3 2013, 02:08:49 UTC
So glad that Adrienne got you for Yuletide and wrote you some awesome fic which I need to check out! (And I finally have an AO3 account now so I can comment and bookmark things there, yay!) And I am so happy that you love your ipad mini (did you name it yet? :P) although boo to Songpop being difficult and not turning sideways ( ... )


leigh57 January 3 2013, 02:55:09 UTC
GAH, it was torture, because the reveal was Christmas morning, but my dad only has ethernet internet access, so no wifi for me. Consequently, I couldn't really read EITHER of the stories Adrienne wrote me until much later, so I was kind of gnawing on my own hand and being really infantile about the entire thing, oy ( ... )


dealan311 January 3 2013, 04:35:51 UTC
I am confused. Mostly because I force my style onto everyone's pages, but what haapened to the friends page? It is different how?


leigh57 January 3 2013, 13:03:52 UTC
Ugh, it's totally the worst. Obviously I can't say what happens in your style, but there's a banner at the top that tells you if you're using the old friends page and offers to let you use the new one. AND THE NEW ONE SUCKS ASS. It's like fucking tumblr, sort, and if I wanted to be on tumblr I'd be on tumblr. I'm just hoping that they don't force the change, because when they put out the announcement about "upgrades" (as in a billion changes exactly none of the users want), it sounded as if it wouldn't be optional. I guess we'll see.

Watched the first Farscape last night. WEIRD, man. But I'm willing to hang in for a bit to see if I can get into it!


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