So today's post was going to be a picture spam for my self dedicated "Uruha Day" but before we get to that I have some sad news to share. Dir En Grey are unofficially bankrupt! Don't believe me? Just look at the photo below.
And here's some quotes a friend of a friend's cousin's friend's sister told me:
Kyo: We really didn't know what to do, we had no money, not a single yen, though I think Kaoru has an old European coin from before the Euro. Anyway, we were totally stuck and then we had the bright idea "let's just wear black." It was pure genius, all I had to do was open my wardrobe and my outfit found itself.
Kaoru: I feel like an art student in this. Just look what you can make by hanging some old black sheets over your shoulder. Perfection!
Toshiya: Isn't it amazing what you can do with some bin bags and superglue? My art skills are clearly superior to Kaoru's!
Shinya: Yeah, I was lucky. A friend of mine in America knows someone who worked on the Star Wars films. This outfit was a scrapped design for a Sith Lord, it was pretty much free.
Die: Don't look at me like that, it's not my fault the band lost all their money.
(Joking aside, Kaoru and Shinya are rocking this look!)