
Dec 06, 2005 16:10

Today Leif is 11 months old and he is, unsurprisingly, totally amazing.

Language wise, he can

mama (sometimes, but I'm not sure he means it)
puppy (sounds like ppeee, with a non-verbalized "puh" at the beginning)
night night (he said it only once but went to sleep shortly afterwards)
baby (bay-beeee)

hi/bye bye (waves)
yay (claps)
drink (says "aaaahhh")
night night (he lays his head down)
nurse (sorta -- he certainly makes it known, by pulling my shirt up or down, or just twisting his body down)
up (as in "pick me up")
light/ceiling fan
duck (sometimes. maybe.)
uh-oh (he'll drop something, clap both hands to his face and sometimes say something that sounds like uh oh or oh no)

Other cool things he does:
gives hugs and kisses
dances (this is the cutest thing ever!)
If you say "what do sheep say?" He'll say "ba!"
Puts the phone (or phone-like object) up to his ear
Tries to put on his socks
walks along furniture, crawls super fast
stands without support briefly
blows air
sticks out his tongue
imitates sounds (especially fun ones like raspberries and lip smacking and clucking sounds)
drinks from a cup
tries to use spoons and forks
initiates play
goes to Waterbabies class (he especially likes "swimming" to the side, climbing up and "jumping" off again)

Favorite things:
putting stuff in, taking it out
turning lights on and off
climbing up and down stairs
cords (and other strangulation hazards)
phones/remote controls
tv/dvd player buttons
opening and shutting drawers and doors
emptying bookshelves
looking at books and turning pages
hats, shoes, purses, keys
banging/making noise (drums, tables, mama)
wind chimes
anything he's not supposed to have

He is just more fun (and more challenging) every day. Leif is getting really good at letting us know what he wants (he'll point at the phone, sign "more" and "phone", for example). And he shows such a range of emotions: happy and sad and angry, frustration (like when he can't get my cell phone out of my purse), excitement (he bounces and giggles and squeals, especially when the dogs are moving around him), nervousness/fear/uncertainty, pleasure, pride, amusement. He's like a real little person!

I can't believe it's been almost a year. I can't believe we haven't had him forever. I've never loved anything so much.

-- mama
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