The Pink Amoeba

May 03, 2004 22:49

Mhmm... maybe I should actually consider updating this damn thing more often. Then again, Saya seems to believe I've become rather boring these days, so there really is no point to updating all the time. *sniffles* How did I get so boring??? *sniffles more* I guess I'll just have to start sharing my moments of wrongness more often. I'm not sure how it's possible, but I manage to see the most random acts of wrongness that can and do exist in this little world of ours. Today was no exception, and in fact it just might get my "wrong moment" of the week award. I take that back, it will probably claim the month of May award, and move right on into the 2nd Quarter award. Yesh... it was just that wrong.

So Bridge and I were on our little trot back from lunch, having departed ways with Saya. Now, as a refresher for those who might not know, Bridge and I manage to witness these wrongful moments most often in each other’s company, so needless to say we expect them. There is a certain mode that we switch into in order to fully prepare ourselves for the events that will undoubtedly appear before us. Usually the first one to spot the offense announces the key phrase for these episodes "oh... my..... god" And thusly the commentary commences regarding the said wrong act. Again, today was no exception. Now it was something of a nasty warm day in the city, and this typically does lead some individuals to believe they are at the beach, maybe even a boat deck somewhere, and well, they forget themselves. We proceeded on our trot back to our offices, when passing by one of the hundreds of coffee shops in the Financial District. This one just happens to have outside seating..... What I can tell, is that we will never walk by this cafe again, for as long as they have outside seating. For there, in the outmost table, directly in our view, sat the object that would horrify us for the rest of the day. A pasty white, middle age, hairy, Fat Bastard of a man, with his nasty pee green-yellow button down shirt wide open! How wide open do you ask?? It was so wide, that we saw both of his hairy; sweat drenched, man boobies with nipples, as they rested themselves on top of what became his massive rolling belly. *takes a moment to gag*

Bridge and I didn't recover the rest of our walk. No matter how many comments we made, it was continuing to haunt us. This had indeed skipped the whole short-term memory process, and went straight into the long term. We couldn't even IM each other the rest of the day without mentioning how we would certainly be having nightmares this evening. And poor Bridge, she's having to deal with enough nightmares and sleep issues as is! The idiot gang members are targeting her hubby again! He's a really good cop, and now because all the gangs are in a hissy trying to outdo one another after the recent killing of another cop, all cops are targets. I swear, gangs should have to abide by Yaoi rules. *hehehe* That would be cool. Because ultimately there could be only one, Seme that is. And he or she, would regularly top the others who attempted to overthrow them.

Or we could try the Amoeba route. That seemed to be working rather well on Puppy and Saya tonight. Yesh, for when I crawl under the pink blanket, I become the Pink Amoeba, that shall devour all!

*looks above* that..... wasn't me.

meow! for now this seal is a bit too tired to continue. The real world has obviously sucked for the better part of this day. I've decided I really need a Demon. Yesh, a demon would cure my ills of this world. And no nasty scruffy demon either. Definitely would have to be in the realm of Chrno or Inuyasha. Yesh, yesh, one of those types. Mass Murderer that has repented, or Arrogant as all hell Brat that needs a kick in the pants. Mhmm.... well, ok, if I couldn't have a demon per say, I'd settle for a little bishi that happens to be an alchemist, I'd accept that too, maybe.....

*wanders off in search of the gateway to Anime Universe*

stupid people, crazy, den

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