About time, I guess - we had a long, warm autumn (or rather a very long summer), and it was getting a bit ridiculous. Though with the heating oil prices being what they are, after tax rises and what not, I hope it won't be too cold. A lot of people are having trouble making ends meet. It's a nasty thing, being cold in your own home on top of it.
I was in Italy from the 20th to the 26th for the HOST 2011 exhibition at Fiera Milano. Pretty exhausting! The fair complex
was huge - about 1200m across, with 4 pavilions on each side which we walked through again and again over the course of five days, in order to see everything we needed. We must have covered at least 30km - and that's a very conservative estimate. The walking part was okay for me, but for my dad less so. Sometimes it's hard, watching him age.
Most of the time I had available for photos was actually
during the flight, as you can see here. I only managed
a couple from the fiera.
I also finished two more watercolour pieces (the first was done today - the other is from 2-3 weeks ago).
I am now entertaining strange, silly thoughts about this year's NaNoWriMo. Strange and silly, because I can hardly even finish a 100words batch - writing 50k words in a month, with another 8-day trip scheduled in between, is plain idiocy. :p But I still have two weeks' time for October's one, though, and quite a few entries hand-written, so I might actually finish that one at least. Besides, I'll look like an ass if I don't, considering I've been nudging my friend
zarbdim to finish hers all this time!