Aug 08, 2011 13:34
About a week ago I cracked my neck and threw myself so terribly out of alignment that just standing up was an unpleasant experience. A chiropractic adjustment later and I'm much improved but not all better, as the amount of muscular inflammation kept some of the vertebrae from being moved around. It's improving day by day and the sheer physicality of bartending has done a lot to keep me loose but mornings still kind of suck and I don't have the spare hundred dollars to go get adjusted again as I'm patiently waiting on a nine-hundred dollar check, the absence of which accounts for being late on rent.
Getting on a sailboat, even if only for two days was vital for my sanity. Portland has been tapping me out both mentally and physically, finding me grumpy and stressed in the mornings and often drinking myself to bed the night before. The sort of hard-stop/reset, wandering my home town, letting my cell phone die and not worrying about my schedule or anybody who wanted anything from me has done some fairly exceptional things for my mindset. It's also made me determined to get the hell out of town on a much more regular basis, so I put about $150 into my truck yesterday to help it towards leaving the city without breaking down. I need to be outside more. Away from all of these... people.
The way the magnitudes of my concerns amplify with age has been a topic of some consideration for me lately. Mostly by magnitude I am referring to the expense but also the proportionality of that which is practical to that which is emotional. I get lonely, really lonely sometimes but the majority of my concern has less to do with how I feel than it does with what I can accomplish. I'm not sure if this is necessarily a good thing but it's certainly interesting.
I am also opening a bar. I hired a person I met a little over a year ago to consult with me through the planning phases that I'm less comfortable with. I am fucking thrilled.