As some of you may have gathered music is something that I am passionate about. I've
recently been called a MIG (music information guy).
I can't play music, one of my abiding regrets, but I love to listen to it.
This article is very interesting. You may not of heard of Rick Rubin, but you will have heard music he has picked and produced. He is
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Comments 8
Completely new music: Youtube, coming into contact with random radio play, recommendations from friends. New stuff by old favourites: band websites. Where do I find it all? The internets.
The question was supposed to read "is it new stuff or old stuff" but my proofreading sucks.
In answer to the rephrased question: I find both and by the same mechanisms. Also, I have a lot of music on my HD, a lot of which I haven't listened to much, so in the process of listening to random playlists, I "find" cool stuff, sometimes old.
A. Once every few months
Q. Is it generally by new artists or by artists you already like (or their side projects etc)?
A. Usually by new artists.
Q. Where do you generally find it?
A. Ha. Apparently I'm completely out of touch with modern sensibilities (as represented by the survey of college kids) - I listen to the radio. KCRW when I was in LA, KBCO now that I'm in Boulder. Both have somewhat interesting and eclectic playlists (although KCRW was definitely more eclectic). My other source of new music is whatever ends up on the sound system at the local coffee-house or cafe (guess that counts as word of mouth, since I generally have to ask the barista what it is they're playing).
I tend to find both music by artists I like already, and new stuff by new people.
I often find new music from media I'm watching, particularly TV. Also from radio, and music videos. Sometimes from recommendations, or because I find out via internet or news that an artist I like is releasing something new.
But you probably know this already, considering that I'm a captured survey subject ;-P
And please, we try and downplay the captured stuff. :)
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