Feb 09, 2005 19:08
This past weekend was martha's birthday!
Me, Tasha, Julie, Matt, Will, and Tanya all aprtied at martha's house!! It was alot of fun but i fell asleep early with Julie :/ Oh wel we all woke up in the morning and went out to eat at Perkins. Then we came back and Martha's parents surpised her with a brand new 2005 Chevy Trail Blazer!!
At work cell rings.. "uhh Lindsey It's martha my dad bought us a case!".. ok so 2 cases and like 6 people!
At work again.. "Lindsey, it's Julie.. guess what I BOUGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Well that's about it..
*Fucked up at 6pm, out by 10:30pm* (Me and Julie)
*Gettin the elk drunk*
*3 fucked up people trying to put 18 candles on the cake*
*the big 8 broke... now you're a 100!!*
*Taking 10 million years to blow out candles* -- Thank GOD i didnt get the relightbale trick candles like i was going to
*Bonging the beers!*
*Smoking on the porch*
*Tasha acting like a fish outta water.. to lazy to get up*
*Martha and Wills first fight over a glass of water*
*wawa run at 3am!* (which me and Julie missed)
*trying to shove a case of rolling rock in a duffle bag*
*Mat wailing tasha's beer to watch it foam*
*3 fucked up people trying to play a drinking game*
*Tasha and Mat's tag game. cause everyone's a party pooper*
*Will wakes everyone up at 7am.. let's clean!*
*Going to perkins and Mat and Will talking as loud as possible about our substance abuse so everyone could hear*
"I'm Emma the stripper..."- Tasha
"U spit Chicken in my BEER!"- Julie
"My name's Julie, I'm blond, I have big boobs, and I'm SLUTTY!!"
"___ It's What's for breakfast"- Mat
and now.. i got laryngitis!! YES!!!