About me: I'm a slash lover people!
My preferances
Hey! So I'm new here still trying to work out the kinks, all the simple stuff though. I'm a big slash fan which means I love anything with boys getting down and dirty with each other, I have my own choice of pairings and squicks that I believe most writers and readers will have. Just because I'm new does not necessarily mean that I've never lurked, cause I have, *looks around guiltily,* I've just haven't commented as of yet which I regret deeply, because I have read a lot of fics which I loved and have not reviewed how much I appreciate their works.
On to my OTPs and Favourite characters! And just to make it clear pairings I ship and do not ship(those that I actually detest). If the ship is not in either of the categories, it means that I either don't mind or have not place much thought into the particular pairing.
If I place B or T on either sides of the name, it indicates that my preference of them being bottom or top.
I love blondes! No, really.
Kyou Kara Maou
I love this anime! Haven't been shipping them lately though or reading them.
My Number One: Wolfram von Biefeld (B)
OTP: Yuuri/ Wolfram (T/B)
Those I ship:
Sara/Nobody (I had to write that)
B!Wolfram/Any KKM male characters
Those I do not ship:
Yuuri/Any KKM characters (yes! It's true!)
I try to branch out and like it but I couldn't, there are so many that bash Wolfram, it makes me sick, they pour so many of his bad behaviours to the fics and discard the good and make him seem unreasonable, hello! If someone steals your fiance are you saying that you wouldn't be depressed and angry? I'm a firm believer that a person's personality is molded from how he was brought up, their reasons are that he is childish and immature, but he was brought up as a prince, the youngest and pampered so if he is so what? Then I think you should blame his parents and his brothers then, They seem to forget that he is also fiercely loyal and passionate, a beautiful and powerful combination and if he is unreasonable, he is still young and has the capacity to grow and Yuuri may be just the person to help him.
And please don't start how Conrad and Gwendal are different. That's because they are DIFFERENT! God, that makes no sense. What I mean is that Conrad had a father in the early years of his life where he will go traveling with the man and see the world the way it is, while Wolfram was stuck enclosed in the castle with his mother, being coddled and oblivious. And where Wolfram was isolated and had no friends to cultivate his communicative and social abilities, Conrad had a friend in the form of Yozak where he learns to appreciate people he has and how to handle them properly. Furthermore, Wolfram has very little trust in people, probably believing that they will use him, don't believe me? There was a scene in the anime where Wolfram sat on Cheri's lap and was asked to choose a man for her among those gathered in the castle great hall. What man wouldn't use Wolfram as a way to get into Cheri's good side, especially when she said that where it could obviously be heard?
Then Gwendal, he already runs most of the castle even before Yuuri came, yes I know Stoffel was in charged but Gwendal is still the eldest, he was brought up from young, probably nurtured to be the king one day, of course he will be more calm and level headed. Wolfram being the youngest still continues to prove himself, leader of his own contingent and is ready for battle wherever it may be for his country and people should see that.
Side note: So many people love Yuuri because of his sweet deposition and his caring nature, if he wasn't brought up by such a loving family, do you really think he will be the same way? Even with Julia's soul in him?
Ok I've finished my rant, heh. I really hate Wolfram bashers.
Harry Potter
Right now, it's my new obsession!
My Number One: Draco Lucius Malfoy
OTP: Harry/Draco (T/B)
Those I ship:
B!Draco/Any male characters