Sep 23, 2005 00:17
My contacts are bugging the crap out of me. My eyes are tired. it's 12:18am, I'm sitting alone in the office at L.S. doing yet another overnight. My thoughts aren't on the present, but the future. My friend Lacie just told me she's getting a place in CO. LUCKKY!
I need to get out of here. NWA is draining my creativity. Or perhaps it's the doing nothing.
I just talked to a good friend about not being creative enough. I want to write again. I want to be somebody again. I need to feel special again somehow. I felt special when I wrote poetry. Like I had a talent or something. The only talent I've been honing lately is seeing how much I can drink without puking. TSK TSK.
This isn't how I expected life to turn out. When I was younger, I seriously thought I was going to die before I turned 21 because I could never imagine myself as an adult. And well, here I am at 24 and I still can't see myself as an adult. Is this the best I'll ever be? God, I hope not. I'm at a stanstill and there's traffic all around me. Friends are flying by me on the bypass and I'm stalled.
Perhaps I just need a good jump? (Shit, leave it to me to turn anything dirtty!)