Jun 17, 2008 23:22
Wooooo! New additions to the family today:) I got a new female rat today & she is beautiful! I am so lucky to have 2 such beautiful females. Ben, he is the KING! LOL I had been telling him that he would be getting some more time with females & I think he was starting to think I was lying. He was very excited to be re-introduced to Carmen & curious about our new love. He is happy to not be alone anymore. It's a good thing too cuz he was getting really attached to my attention alone.
The new female is still in the process of being named...I'm thinking Pepper, but I'm unsure. She is a brown hooded agouti. *Markings are a salt & pepper mixture of black/brown. Any name suggestions or do you guys like Pepper? I have been super busy with the babies so I have not been on in a while. I will be posting some pictures very soon. Please let me know if anyone wants babies. I would also like to know what colors & stuff you guys have a hard time finding. I'd like to breed some rare rodents to best suit & expand on the rat & mouse community.
I also bought 3 male MICE!!! That's right I'm breeding mice again. So I am officially up & running on breeding the rodents I can at the moment. I do want to eventually breed most animals & My main focus is on ALL Rodents so let me know what are all your main interests<3