
Jul 29, 2004 03:22

In all honesty, I lied in my last posting. It's not really important, but things really weren't going very well. There have been a lot of things happening and changing in my life in the last two years. I never understood how everyone could post the stuff that was happening in their lives. Untill recently I haven't talked to anyone. I never talked to my parents, and a lot of people can't. I never really talked to my friends either thought. It's like friends are suppose to be there for eathother, but I guess that I was really busy helping them with their problems that I never talked to them about mine. I mean, who would want to add their problems on top of the ones that their frinds have? Because I want to help them I can't make them feel worse because I'm having problems. I mean, they're just that, MY problems.
I guess I admire those of you who have the courage, (at least that's what it is to me, even if you wouldn't call it that) to be honest and write what you feel. I usually don't do stuff like this, that's why I never really posted anything. I would read everyhthing everyone wrote. I just wanted to know how everyone was, and respond if needed or if I could offer advice.
I have been experiencing a lot of losses lately, whether in death or relationships. I have to be honest, I get very lonely. My uncle's death, lead to the loss of a lot of relationships in my family. That made stuff really hard. I'm an only child so I can handle being alone. However, both my parents came from five children families, which made for a fairly large family all together. In the end, because my family was so large, I was never really alone. However, because of the death and family problems, it feels like there was more than only one death.
Today was a relatively good day. I have never been close to my mom, I had never talked to her about anything, at least not untill today. My mom was upset today, and she was crying. Since we're not too close I wasn't quite sure what to do. I actually gave her a hug, and she hugged me back (that was a first). After she calmed down, she could tell that I was upset. I hadn't sleep last night (I guess I won't tonight either) and she could tell something was wrong, so we started to talk. I talked to my mom about everything. I left out a couple things because I didn't want to tell her too much at once, since she was upset before we started talking. Even though I left out a couple things, I plan on, and look forward to, telling her about it a little later, after she has dealt with what we talked about today. It felt good talking to her because I never liked lying to her. For the first time I was totally open with someone, and It was my mom. I never really thought I would be that open with anyone, but I never would have thought that it would have been with my mom.
Lying isn't good, it's not good for anyone. I know that sometimes it's easier to just lie about something. It's a way to kinda forget or deny things. They say that, "Honesty is the best policy" I never fully understood that untill today. I never really believed that anyhting good could come from a lie, but I never knew how important honesty was. Lying, denying, or avoiding things seems easier at first, but I know now that it's not worth it. I liked being open with someone, especially with my mom. I would like to continue being honest, and I hope that everyone is doing ok. I hope that all of you will be open and honest with the people you love. It was hard for me, and it took a while, but it was worth it.

P.S. Sorry if that was too much like an afterschool special! =)

a friend
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