
Apr 22, 2010 05:17

They entered 7-11, assigned to gather specific necessities for the upcoming road trip:

1.    Jamie grabbed four 20 ounce Cokes and a 2 liter of the same caffeinated elixir (to be mixed with rum and consumed after hours)

2.    Croy headed for the kettle cooked potato chips and cheese drenched popcorn

3.    Allyson commandeered six packs of Jolly Ranchers (watermelon and apple), three bags of Starburst, and four huge Hershey bars (two plain chocolate, two almond/chocolate)

4.    Kelly picked out six bottles of Deer Park, then grabbed a container of wet wipes

Their destination: unknown (although a vaguely spoken plan involved heading out to Sailors’ Hill for dock walking).

Their purpose: fleeing the uncomfortable atmosphere of the post-dinner Thanksgiving household (belongs to Allyson and Kelly’s parental units, the Randolphs).
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