This whole debt ceiling/Social Security thing...

Jul 26, 2011 05:37

I tried not to give myself over to worry about all this...but now I'm scared. My parents live primarily on Social Security and disability payments, along with the part-time earnings my father gets working as a security guard. I'm living with them right now, not able to get a job because of anxiety/depression. My parents have no savings, so if those checks don't go out in August, then...what, we're screwed? Do we wind up homeless? Do we take turns shooting ourselves before it gets any worse? I haven't felt suicidal for a very, very long time...right now, though, yeah, it's starting to feel like the only option.

(Sorry for clogging anyone's friends' page with my Wendy Whiner bullshit...I usually do a really good job keeping all my worries to myself. But this thing here has me SCARED).
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