I'd rather get punched in the face than get my car vandalized.

Jul 18, 2008 15:59

I don't usually make public entries, but I just want to put this out there. I woke up this morning to my car covered in car chalk with a really gross phrase written on my back windshield, and a very simplified drawing on the driver's side of the front windshield. I'm not going to type it out on here, and I couldn't even tell my parents what it said. I scrubbed most of it off in Tally, and when I finally got home I washed it off. Car chalk isn't a big deal, but when people really want to piss you off, they make sure to put globs of the stuff on your car. When it comes to my car and vandalism happening in Tallahassee, it's nothing new. I've had a penis drawn on my car with car chalk, my Mercedes emblem ripped off twice, and my car egged. The egging and the car chalk happened at my apartment complex. This time really hit me hard because this wasn't a random act of vandalism, this was a purposely done act to try to break me. Jessie's car was also tagged, so it was personal. I think the people that did this are the same people that got into a fight with my ex-boyfriend last semester, and that fight started because I wasn't interested in a guy and made it clear which messed with his ego and made him start a fight. I understand being upset about that, but I haven't talked to any of those people that started the fight in months. People that vandalize the property of others, are cowards. It's easy to get away with, but what does it prove? It proves that you have nothing better to do. I'm not going to confront the people that I think did this, I'm not saying that this is a really big deal, because it really isn't, it's just stupid. Messing with someone's car is immature and mean. At least slap me in the face so that I know who you are. I know that I am not a perfect person, I know I've made mistakes, I do believe in karma. No one should wake up to something like that.
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