Nov 20, 2007 09:41
well.. finally Sam got an answer about vacations from his boss, and the thing is that both he and a co-worker asked for the same week, so his boss told him No. This was a major blown up because that week between Christmas and New Year we were planning to go to Luxembourg to celebrate with Sam's uncle & wife, since we're planning to buy the house we're not sure that later it'll be possible for us to take vacations and it sucks since Sam hasn't gotten a day off this year.
So I told him to ask his boss for the previous week off, and the As***le said no because that week is a very busy one. On top of things, this Thursday we have an important meeting in Helsinki and he ask for the day off (he has plus hours in his favor) and the boss is forcing him to go for 2 hours and after that we can go, what an IDIOT!!!!!
I'm very pissed off! and what's more Sam is depressed, he needs so time off, now he started looking for a new job, and I propose to go somewhere for 4 or 5 days (Christmas weekend...) but with money running a bit low, we do not know, he even rejected Scotland, because he has that he wants to stay longer when we go there.