May 11, 2005 11:10
The show opens tomorrow.
That is a scream of both excitement and terror. Mostly excitement. And terror. No, mostly excitement.
Are you excited? You should be. And you should come see it.
Encore Theater presents: A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakeapeare.
Thursday May 12th - Saturday May 14th at 7:00pm and Sunday May 15th at 2:00pm.
Starring: Megan Denardo as Hermia, Paul Morgan as Lysander, Becky Laird as Helena, Josh Hock as Demetrius, Renee Cyr as Puck, Christine Liphardt as Titania, and Aaron Mack as Oberon.
If you're not in it, and you live here, you'd better be there at some point!
If not for any other reason than to see Gerry the self-hating fairy dance.
a midsummer night's dream,