Jan 12, 2005 21:20
I have decided today that the person I am going to miss the most, who I have talked to the least, next year, is Steve Shortle.
Today we had to actually use our calc book in class, and he didn't have his. Mr. Sinclair told him to share.
So Steve pushed his desk back until it was between Meg's and Amanda's desks, and put his arms out, and glanced at the two girls suspiciously like he owned their books.
He was Steve the book pimp.
Now, on to quotes. Sarah, Heather, and Becky identified the movie, but I am awarding credit to Janeea and Kim too for the random trivia. My prize for you all is something you probably already know, but I am running out of prize ideas...er...going to do it anyway. The male gargoyles are named Victor and Hugo, after the author of the original story. So there you go.
The next quote is: "Do godmothers, get stretchmarks?" (I will be very proud of you and glad to share my shame with you if you have seen/own this movie like I have.)
And yes, that random comma is supposed to be there.
quote game