(no subject)

Apr 01, 2020 17:06

-Listening to Les Mis. It KILLS me every time how literally everything that happens with Fantine is for NOTHING because Cosette ISN'T EVEN SICK. Nevermind being close to dying, she's FINE. (I mean, she probably would have died from all the abuse and malnutrition eventually, but you get my point). Also, do we think Javert is setting a trap for Valjean with the story about the convict? Surely he could look at this other dude's brand and know that it doesn't say 24601?

-Possibly my favorite thing Marius does in this play is tell Thenardier to get lost during the wedding at the end. I like to think he's angry for the sake of Eponine.

-Another perk of being home: My hairtie just broke, and I definitely don't have extras at the office...

les mis, musicals, lent 2020, real life, music

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