Return of the Project Runway Liveblog!

Jan 31, 2013 22:43

So a few seasons ago, I liveblogged Project Runway. And it was fun, but I had band on Thursdays, and then we moved, and it kinda fell by the wayside. But now I have time and feel inspired again, so here we go!

I missed the first episode last week, but I just saw the last half hour of it right before this episode, so I'm kinda caught up. I am intrigued by this season because:

1. Teams = drama. At least they're just coming right out and saying it this season, instead of claiming that it's a solo competition and then making them work in pairs or groups every week anyway. I mean, if you're going to milk the fighting and under bus throwing and backstabbing for drama, you might as well be honest about it. This was done to make drama, and there will be drama abounding, and I will REVEL IN IT.
2. Michale Kors is not there. this actually makes me sad, because even though I usually didn't agree with him, he was freaking hilarious. I'm interested to see what judging will be like with him gone.

-Oh man, they did NOT sound enthusiastic when they said hi to Heidi. Everyone hates being in teams. LOL.

-The way Heidi said "you will be working in the same teams this week" let me know (and should let them all know) that the teams are going to change at some point. You know, for maximum drama.

-WTF is a ping pong social club? And why is Susan Sarandon involved in it?

-Ooh, male models, I love it when they have non-traditional models.

-Yes, let's all talk about "Spin Club" like any of you had ANY FUCKING CLUE what that was before today.

-Why are they making them work there? So they know what kind of uniform to design? Ok, I can dig that, it's much less stupid than making them care for fake babies.

-Incredibly Blonde!Benjamin says he is a 'natural born leader', but knows when it's not wanted. I do not believe him; we'll see how that plays out.

-HOLY MUSTACHE, BATMAN! Seriously, dude, what is up with your facial hair? Daniel. Daniel is a nice name. FOR A MUSTACHE OF DOOM.

-You're making jeans? For a uniform? I don't know about that.

-You... wait, you what? You screenprint ugly cats, in the shape of an ugly mountain, on ugly sweaters, and then sell them for $78? WHO THE HELL IS BUYING THOSE!?! (Andrew says, 'hipsters'. He's probably right.)

-Never say, "I'm not really a whatever designer" on PR. You are an EVERYTHING designer, as long as you are on this show.

-WAT. "Waitresses don't like wearing pants. They like to show off their legs. They're the prettiest girls." WAT WAT WAT. Who are you? Where did you get that totally misguided and completely wrong (one of the waitresses SPECIFICALLY SAID they needed to be able to bend over and not show anything) idea? Please, PLEASE, team whoeveryouare, don't listen to the crazy.

-Cindy, maybe you should let Blondejamin micromanage you. For some reason older people don't tend to do well on this show. He's a lot younger, and yet, somehow, apparently more experienced than you. At least consider what he's saying. He is a natural born leader, after all.

-25 minutes in, and the drama is high. Ooh, and here comes Tim! I've missed you, Tim.

-I kinda like the bouncing ball shape Daniel is pitching. Let's go with that. Also, POCKETS. I love pockets, and I bet waitresses do too.

-I wonder if Daniel's mustache tickles his kissing partners. Also, he's wearing a deer antler around his neck. He is now officially my wacky favorite. (For the record, I'm doing pretty well at picking winners on this show. During my last liveblogged season, I was pulling for Anya, who won. Then I liked Dmitri last season, who also won. Mondo won All Stars (and he was ROBBED in his first season) and Mom told me that Anthony Ryan Oneball Auld won the second season of All Stars; he was also a favorite of mine on his original season.)

-Yes, Tim, please do ask him why they are making jeans. WAIT, A KILT INSTEAD? Well, that will be interesting, different, and DEFINITELY better than jorts. Anything is better than jorts.

-HAHAHAHA, "Balls are our business", on a kilt, right over the extremely appropriate area. LOVE IT.

-I want Amanda's hair. That is all.

-What the HELL is Samantha's shirt supposed to be? It's like... wide rainbow weaving... like a woven lawn chair with holes that make it too big to be practical, and it's also HIDEOUS. OH GOD IT'S A DRESS. The only way it could have been worse.

-Amanda's dress is SO CUTE, but I don't know how practical it is for waitressing. I'll have to see it on the runway. (RUNWAY EDIT: It is a bit too short, and doesn't evoke 'waitress' but it's still cute.)

-Wow, the 'surprise' guest judge for the 'clothe Susan Sarandon's ping pong club workers' challenge is Susan Sarandon. I am shocked. Here is my shocked face :|

-Samantha, her bra is hanging out. Women of all shapes are neither going to want to, nor be able to, wear that. Especially while waitressing.

-Oh Dream Team. All your stuff is boring, bland, and bordering on ugly and inappropriate. Except the kilt. He is, indeed, owning the kilt. I love the kilt idea; it goes great with the 'balls' thing.

-That is SO CUTE, Daniel and wassername. Lantana? Laytoya? Laynora? Something like that. I love it. I love the male version too. Simple, clean, unified, and not ugly or boring. Oh, and the other male one, with the words on the pants, and the harness for the ball net? Also good!

-Team Keeping It Real won again. This does not surprise me, given the trainwreck that is Dream Team.

-Hahaha, the judges top three are my top three. ROCK. Also, I still love the ping pong bouncing shapes.

-Oh Nina. It's black pants and a black shirt. Don't call it futuristic.

-"That is a very disturbing length." You're 100% correct about that, Nina. In fact, everything about that outfit is disturbing.

-Dude, Blondejamin, no one asked you to be the leader. Good on you for owning up to your weakness though. Also, good lord, you are so much taller than everyone else. Are you absurdly tall, or are they all just short?

-I'm sorry, I think he looks great in that kilt. I would go with the kilt, I really would, and I would make my servers wear it. They could learn to deal. Susan Sarandon thinks it's 'ballsy' LOL. Ah, see, I knew they would like it more than the safe, boring ones though. Always go wackadoo over boring on PR. Josh is proof of that.

-Oh, come on. If 'Balls are my Business' is your slogan, it's too late to say that putting it over a guy's balls is tasteless. Go big or go home!

-Layana (I was close on the name) is the winner, but let's face it: she never could have done that without Daniel's help.

-I really don't know who's going to be out. They both suck. Ah, Cindy lives to fight with Blondejamin another day. Peace out, James!

Ooh, designing for Heidi next week! That's always fun.

tv, liveblogging, project runway

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