Jan 06, 2008 18:57
1. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't see anything wrong with the word come. There's absolutely no reason to ever use 'cum' in place of it. No, really, there's not. ESPECIALLY if you're not talking about sex. If you write "I'm cumming over" or "cum and get it" I may have to kill you. If you use 'cum' in a sex scene, I'll be a little more forgiving, but it's really not necessary. You can spell it properly and I'll know what you mean. I am an intelligent person. You don't need to write things out phoentically for me to understand.
2. THERE ARE FOUR MARAUDERS. Whether you like it or not, Peter Pettigrew is a Marauder. If you're drawing or writing about the Marauders, especially during their time at Hogwarts, INCLUDE ALL FOUR OF THEM.
harry potter,