Sep 19, 2007 16:07
I love classes, because they provide me with funny quotes to share.
Professor Lubkowitz's wisdom: You have to swing the bat to hit the ball. (That's along the same lines as "only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly," which I've always found to be true.)
More Professor L stuff: My son woke me up crying at 3:00 this morning, so I went in and held him. Then the little bastard went right back to sleep and I didn't.
Last night in Wind Ensemble Doc told us we were playing like a symphonic accompaniment to an appendectomy without novacaine. I'm not sure quite what that means, but I don't think it's good.
My chem lab teacher: When you build up pressure in a closed system, what's that called?
Class: Ummm... *tries to remember the scientific term for such a thing*
My chem lab teacher: There's a simple layman's term for it. It begins with a B.
Some Guy: A bomb!
My chem lab teacher: Right. A bomb. So don't leave the cork on the test tube, or it'll explode.
wind ensemble,