Jan 23, 2007 12:27
You know why students don't proofread each others work? It's not because we're lazy, it's not becasue we don't have time, and it's not becasue we're incapabale. It's because we want to keep our friends.
Do you know how hard it is to read someone's work, that they put a lot of effort into, and then tear ut apart? To say, "look, this is blatantly wrong," and then try and teach them what a split infinitive is without making them think you're a bitchy know-it-all?
We were correcting each others papers in class today, I am so freaking afraid right now that I made Mallory mad at me, and she is the sweetest person ever. Just cause I knew what a split infinitive is and she didn't doesn't mean that I don't like her, or even think less of her. It's sort of an obscure thing, but it's gramatically incorrect, and we were supposed to correct things, and I explained so she'd know what the hell I was talking about, and I don't want to be a know-it-all, and I don't want her to think I'm a bitch and gah.
On a related note, Professor McCabe knew what a split infinitive was, and he said " 'To boldly go,' is the most famous split infinitive ever. And it's sexist. 'Where no man has gone before'. See?"
I love him. He's possibly the greatest professor ever.
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