Feb 09, 2014 17:34
Правление в Иерусалиме:
- H. E. Mayer, “The Succession to Baldwin II of Jerusalem: English Impact on the East”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, vol. 39 (1985), pp. 139-47.
- A. V. Murray, “Dynastic Continuity or Dynastic Change? The Accession of Baldwin II and the Nobility of the Kingdom of Jerusalem”, Medieval Prosopography, vol. 13 (1992), pp. 1-27.
- A. V. Murray, “Baldwin II and his Nobles: Baronial Factionalism and Dissent in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1118-1134”, Nottingham Medieval Studies, vol. 38 (1994), pp. 60-85.
- J. S. C. Riley-Smith, “Further Thoughts on Baldwin II’s établissement on the Confiscation of Fiefs”, Crusade and Settlement, ed. P. W. Edbury (Cardiff: University College Cardiff Press, 1985), pp. 176-80.
Регентство в Антиохии:
Крестоносный эпос:
- P. R. Grillo, “Romans de croisade, histoires de famille: recherches sur le personnage de Baudouin de Sebourg”, Romania, No. 110 (1989), pp. 383-95.
- E.-R. Labande, Étude sur «Baudouin de Sebourc», chanson de geste, légende poétique de Baudoin II du Bourg, roi de Jérusalem (Paris: E. Droz, 1940), 215 p.
- T. S. Asbridge, “How the Crusades Could Have Been Won: King Baldwin II of Jerusalem's Campaigns against Aleppo (1124-5) and Damascus (1129)”, Journal of Medieval Military History, vol. 11 (2013), pp. 73-94.
- A. V. Murray, “Kingship, Identity and Name-Giving in the Family of Baldwin of Bourcq”, Knighthoods of Christ: Essays on the History of the Crusades and the Knights Templar Presented to Malcom Barber, ed. N. Housley (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), pp 27-38.
- P. Sabourin, “Baudoin de Bourcq, croise, comte d’Edesse, roi de Jerusalem. Proposition d’un itineraire peu ordinaire”, Revue historique ardennaise, vol. 31 (1996), pp. 3-15.
Бодуэн II,
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