FFXIII has a date! I found out when Amazon sent me an email asking me if I want to
pre-order. Of course we all know better than to believe a SquareEnix release date, BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! I've tried to stay away from looking too much into FFXIII info, because all it does is get me excited and answer none of my questions. I don't like waiting. SquareEnix, are you telling me I can indulge now?
I'm a little bummed that it's for the Xbox too, since I'm a very loyal customer. This is exactly what I bought the PS3 for--yay! (Speaking of PS3s, I really like the new, small PS3, but the lack of backward compatibility makes me both happy that I bought the PS3 I did, and very upset.)
I hope FFXIII isn't a letdown like FFXII was. Even though I enjoyed it enough, it didn't quite live up to the FF reputation in my eyes. I'm dying for them to go back to games like FFVII and FFVIII; hell, I'll even take another FFIX.
They didn't say anything about Versus, guess the hottie will have to wait?
Bayonetta looks like it's on crack. And I want it.
Ah, I wish I had a nice LCD/plasma TV to go with this. Black Friday?