Well, at least the weather's nice

Mar 16, 2007 18:11

I got my new glasses today. They look nice and make me look sharper and I can see much better too, which is a big plus. I just wish they wouldn't have been so expensive. 356 euro is a bit much and I'm still not quite sure they're worth it. Especially since I have to go back to the optician's tomorrow to complain. I counted 7 different flaws in the frames and I'm pretty angry at the optician right now.

At first I only noticed that a part of the frames which should be white is black. When I looked closer I noticed the frames have a few pretty nasty scratches on them and there's even a small piece missing. They look like they've been in use for at least a couple of years. At first I just thought I should ask for some of the money back, but then I noticed that one of the screws was screwed on so tight that the frame had split almost all the way through. So I think I'll have to make them give me new frames.

Also, I noticed some markings on the left lens but I'm unsure if it's really a flaw. I was cleaning the lenses when I noticed a small circle right in the middle of the lens, when I looked a bit closer I realized there's a π under the circle and a smiley face under the π. WTF? I'll have to ask the optician about the markings because I find them pretty damn strange.


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