May 31, 2005 10:06
A bunch of random stuff~
I got my hopkins class grade back finally...A!! Which gives me a GPA of...
And don't get me wrong, I think that's a FANTASTIC GPA, especially considering the fact that I don't even care that much about most of my classes....but...SO close to a 3.9! If my GPA was 3.9 or higher I'd get my name in RED on the dean's list instead of black. Oh, what a sick and stupid ambition. it's just .03 grade points and a color, there are MUCH more important things in life. I'm done thinking about that one.
Some people are just so amazing. I don't know how they do it, but I fully admire them. Lauren Eskreis-Winkler is currently at the top of that list.
I find insanity endearing. Except for when it comes from both of my brothers.
Speaking of family, my dad and I were twins three times yesterday.
1) we were driving through pretty scenery and we both said at the exact same time "this is pretty"
2) My brother was listening to music on his headphones and my mom was like "ooooh I think I hear the song 'traces'!" and I said "you're hearing traces of 'traces'?" and my dad was like "I was about to say that!"
3) Miss Latvia came out on tv and we both said at the exact same time "she looks like Barbie"
it was fun
Miss Universe sucked this year. (Yeah, and I probably suck for actually watching it lol)
I stubbed my pinky toe and about half of my nail came off and it hurts.
I arrived from CT around 5:30 yesterday, and now I'm off to Baltimore for a lesson from Mr. G's graduate assistant (I LOVE her!), and spending the night at Hyun-Ji's apartment (turns out my boss needs me...and I need money!). I called her on my cell at Borders and we were both freaking out cuz we were so excited to hang out again and I got stares cuz Borders is usually pretty quiet.
Sorry there are no pictures lately, but my camera's packed somewhere and I still can't find it! hoping it's not lost...?