Dec 20, 2004 14:31
I was at a bar on Sat. First I told Heidi I wasn't going. However, she really wanted to go, couldn't get anyone to go with her and then at about 7:45 pm she called again and offered to buy me 2 drinks in order to get me to go with her. I said yes even though I didn't feel much like partying. We went to Club Ooppera in Helsinki. I'd heard it's some kind of a teenage paradise but that night it was full of guys who'd just finished Aliupseerikoulu. Heidi's bf was one of them and we didn't have to queue which was a good thing since there were a hell of a lot of people in front of the bar. What was even better, we didn't have to pay 5 Euros to get in. Also the coat check was free for us. And I found a 2-Euro coin on the floor. :) And Heidi bought me 2 drinks. Though the staff sucked, they didn't even know how to mix a White Lady. I told them what to put in it and still the bartender forgot the Cointreau. Geez. It tasted pretty nice though.
Altogether about 3 guys tried to hit on me. One of them wanted me to go to his place but I didn't fancy the idea that much. Then there was this guy who had the nerve to claim he was Scottish! Yeah right. He was good-looking and all but what's with lying about your nationality to get laid? It's not as if I'd never find out. He said he was from Edinburgh but he just didn't have the accent. The looks don't matter if you have the accent, I say. :) If he really had been from Scotland I would've been crazy for him but no can do. He should've learned the accent better while he was at it. I'm not that stupid! He said he didn't believe I was Finnish 'cause my accent was so good. Yeah right #2. My drunken English is everything but good especially when it comes to pronunciation.
A pretty good-looking guy who used to go to the same school offered me a cigarette. Instead of smiling and stating I don't smoke I just shook my head, without even smiling. Go me.
The bar was divided into rock part and pop part. We mainly hanged at the pop part