Dec 09, 2004 11:23
I'm currently reading a book by this Swede called Inger Frimansson. Not in Swedish though, I've once tried to read in Swedish but it was so hard I gave up after about 2 pages. This book I'm reading is a German translation, Die Katze, die nicht sterben wollte, Katten som inte dog. I'm now on page 199 which I'm pretty pleased with as I've understood everything there has been to understand even though I haven't known nearly all the words in the text. My mum seems to think you can't read a book in a language you do not master perfectly. It's joyful when you realize you've just figured out some figure of speech completely by yourself.
The book is about a normal Swedish woman who kills a strange man at her summer house as she thinks he might be dangerous. It turns out he was just an ordinary guy and the woman buries the body with her man. Then they try to live on which is hard as they're not cold blooded murderers. The back cover of the book says someone's after them but I'm not far enough yet to tell who it is. But obviously it's gonna get scarier.
It'd be so nice if I'd finally received the booklet I ordered about studying in Germany. As long as I don't have it it's hard to gather all the necessary information.
It's weird with some songs such as Rammstein's Amour: at certain point it's just like I'd hear our dog howl. I get fooled every time. There was also some other song that has the same effect.
And then there's a live song, in the beginning of which it sounds exactly as if someone would call my name. It was freaky once, as I was at Sokos and I was listening to it with my headphones.