I just ran into Aiko, Blair, Lenny, and the rest of the tree gang as I was walking from Castro to Zoe's (no 24). They had just come from HPB nite at a small bookstore, the books in tow and our grad gowns on (repping gryffindor, since our gowns were maroon). Their excitement and that of the small children swarming the streets made me happier and just a litte bit less tired. I have decided to keep my need to read the book at bay and follow
andlosers' advice and buy my book from Raincoast books (In Canada), since they print their books on 100% post-consumer paper. That's pretty cool, considering almost everyone else does it on a maximum og 30%.
Wild Speculation of the Evening: Hagrid is the halfblood prince, since he's half giant. Actually, it's probably some new character. I know JK may have said something to the effect of "no, it's not hagrid" on her site, but I can't remember and I'm too tired to check; I don't really care. But. BUT! If someone spoils it for me, I will cut out their intestines and feed them back to them, I swear.