Jan 22, 2006 19:08
what a day. what a perfect day.
i went to church and discussed death
sara fix! picked me up and we went to building 19! it soo reminds me of salsbury beach, cuz everything is dirty and painted bright colors... and when we enterd their little slogan was' have a cheap day' , i was in heaven
so i forgot to tell you how i got money to go shopping....
i recylced all my cans... and got 5 dollors and 55 cents! so i had a total of 8 dollars nad 55 cents to spend at building 19... oh it WAS a cheap day
so sara and i spent a while at building 19, and tried on a million flannal shirts,, all of which were in the little boy section.. we felt kinda weird.. we tried everything on in the aisles.. which wasnt too good of an idea,, cuz creepy old men would wattch you, and ehhhh.
so we looked through all the books they have,, and wow what a selection fo real!. i found this really cool book about the yeah yeah yeahs and all their fans, and their stories of being on tour and all.. i was going to get it except i needeed to get a thermal,and i only had 8 bucks soo i couldnt get it, but ended up getting
- 4 comic book thangs.. entiltled: MOBY DICK, DANIEL BOON, the best of POE (edgar), and some other thing.. 40 cents!
- a thermal grey with pink stiches shirt= realll comffyy
- a book called ' how to massage your cat' -- i got it for my mom, cuz she actaully massages my cats, it was PERFECT!
- a book called ' the dream dictionary.. it waqs an index for meaning s of ur dreams.. reall coool. i needed it since i have been havin reall weird nighmareish dreams
- a book called love or something or kisses .. idk.. by andy warhol.. it felt like the right thing to get since its near valentines day kinda,, and i likek the book a lot , and it was only 2 dolla.
so building 19 was a hit
- we then went to dunkin donuts... And they DDINT HAVE ANY DONUTS .. !!! ,, but the guy was reall nice and gave us a deal on our munchins nad our muffin.
then we went to see PRIDE AND PREDJUDICE.. and we all cried because it was soo happy at the end. and everyone thinksin the movie that elizabeth hates this guy, but she really loves him..and they get married.. oh hh h ohhh .
oh and sara gave me these warm longjohns im wearing right now :)