adios 2005... here's to what lies ahead

Dec 31, 2005 01:34

No, it's not New Year's Eve, but I won't be here tomorrow night, and I'm still slightly buzzing off my glass of wine with Erin, so I figure now's as good a time as any to do a year end livejournal post. Yes, it may be sappy and emo. Consider yourself warned. *deep breath*

So 2005... quite the year. I went to New Mexico. I fell in love. I had a great time and left a ton of cool people. I worked 3 jobs all at once. I bought a car. I signed the lease for a house. I got a 'real' job. I had an amazing semester in EC with some of the coolest people ever. I learned a lot, and not from school. I consider myself a very changed person from what I was at this time last year. More mature I'd say, and a bit wiser about everything. I don't even know how to sum this year up really. Amazing? Crazy? A giant fiasco (in the best way possible)? This is not where I imagined I'd be, if you'd have asked me last year at this time, that's for sure. But that's a good thing I think. I had no idea what New Mexico would be like, that I would meet some amazing people and form some awesome bonds, that I would meet the boy I would fall in love with, the boy who would teach me a lot about life, and love, who would break my heart, and then start to put the pieces back together again. I wouldn't have been able to tell you what it's like to leave the one person who's ever loved you, what it's like when you see them again after some time, and how painful seperation is. I wouldn't have known the joys and heartbreaks that come with loving someone who's far away.

I wouldn't have been able to touch on what it's like to leave the people you love, go somewhere new, find more people love, then leave them. I didn't know that growing up and being mature comes at a price, both in terms of money and emotions. There's no way I could have told you how exhausting three jobs is, or the thrill of covering a game and seeing your name in the byline. I wouldn't have known the thrill of making a major purchase with all of my own money, or the excitement that comes with signing the lease of a house with my best friend. I don't think I really knew how great being on my own is exactly, how amazing it is to be more independent each day.

I knew I had amazing friends, but I wouldn't have been able to tell you how amazing they are. It's so incredibly amazing to know that no matter what happens, no matter how stupid I am or what's going on in my life, no matter how trivial, they'll be there, and they will support me whether by listening to me rant and letting me cry or by giving me drunken advice or just putting up with me. I didn't know that so much drunken fun could be had (well, maybe I did, but this year just confirmed that) with the same people week after week, or that so many awesome pictures could come out of it. I didn't know how to two-step last year at this time, and I didn't think that I had an accent. I didn't know drunken longboarding could be so much fun, or that dressing up in corsets and lingerie could be so incredibly hot and entertaining.

From Eau Claire to New Mexico and back again, it was a great year. I had so much fun in both places with all of my friends, and I learned a lot. (And now I'm crying thinking about all this. Dammit.) Looks like 2006 has some big shoes to fill. I have high expectations. I'm excited. There's lots of potential on all levels. Whatever happens, it's gonna rock.

Happy New Year's everyone, hope 2005 was amazing and that 2006 is even better for you. Love to y'all.
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