mindstorms nxt vs nxt 2.0-

Dec 08, 2009 13:55


I'm hoping to purchase a Mindstorms set for my son aged nine for Christmas. I would prefer to purchase it second hand, and currently, on Craigslist in my area, there are two sets for sale. One is an NXT, and the other is an NXT 2.0.

The first has been opened, and they are asking $295. The guy selling it bought it for his daughter, and she hasn't played wiht it. He didn't realize that there was a new version out, so when I spoke with him, he agreed that he was asking too much. I am wondering what a fair price would be to offer him? Any ideas?

The Nxt 2.0 that I found is NIB, and they are asking 300. Is this a fair price considering that I won't have a receipt or any recourse if it doesn't work, even though it's new?

Is the 2.0 that much better that should I forget about trying to haggle over the first one and just go for the 2.0?

I thank you so much in advance for any input and suggestions that you can offer.
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