it's official. i miss texas. right now, it's kinda bad.
it's not the people this time either. i've missed my friends since i got here (although it's kinda like i never left with this fancy internet-type-thing), but today, i woke up hungover and just really felt like i needed to be alone in a wide open space. i used to just go cruise out a county road north of denton till i found a good spot to pull over, get out and walk around in a field (technically trespassing, but i never had issues with it). no suck luck here. i might try to hit east river park to soak up a view of the water. see how that works for me.
spent last night with a bunch of Denton friends. saw
Glenn Branca perform in Jersey. 100 electric guitar ensemble. my ears are still a little numb. but that's neat.