i'm nowhere near joking. this place is intended to suck your soul dry. i am positively convinced that the people here are the shittiest human beings on the planet, and that the recourse of their actions will inevitably bring the downfall of our american empire (in case you haven't checked lately, we are in fact an empire). i don't intend to stay
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the onset of this post was brought about more by inner city Dallas, the dirty fucked up part that i live closer to. these Dallasites are a slightly different breed. they're all these old, white, "dallas businessmen" (imagine the most cliche stereotype that comes to mind), and they're all a bunch of greedy little shits, too busy screwing eachother over on shiesty deals to notice anything else.
yet they act all warm and inviting, always saying hello, shaking your hand, but they never take their eye off you. it's this untrusting sort of engagement with an undertone of, "hey fella, i won't fuck you over if you don't fuck me over, but if you do..." it's really transparent, and they all know it is, but they do it anyways, and it makes most social engagements a real awkward affair, b/c you can just smell the distrust in the air.
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