Oct 15, 2008 18:34
!BugGrabber - Grabs bugs for the bug sack.
!OmniCC - CooldownCount for Everything
Ace2 - AddOn development framework
Ace3 - AddOn development framework
Aloft - Customize and enhance unit nameplates
AloftPresets - Additional preset options for Aloft
AltClickToAddItem - AltClick an item in your bag to add it a mail, auction, or trade frame, and alt-click to buy a stack if reagents.
Auc-Advanced - AuctioneerAdvanced, An addon to help keep track of items values. You must at least enable a statistics extension (like Auc:Stats:Simple) to start tracking stats.
Auctioneer - Displays item info and analyzes auction data. Use "/auctioneer scan" at AH to collect auction data. [5.0.0 (BillyGoat)] This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
AutoBar - Dynamic bars with buttons that automatically add potions, water, food and other items you specify into a button for use. Does not use action slots.
Babble-2.2 - A library to help with localization.
Baggins - Inventory Management with virtual bags divided into sections.
Baggins_ClosetGnome - Adds ClosetGnome sets to Baggins filtering.
Baggins_Professions - Adds filtering based on your known professions.
Baggins_Usable - Adds usable and equipable filters to Baggins
Bartender3 - Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender3 ActionBar AddOn
BeanCounter -
BigWigs - Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.
BigWigs_CommonAuras - Notifies the raid about common buffs and debuffs.
BtmScan - Allows you to monitor new auctions for bargains. [5.0.0 (BillyGoat)] This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
BugSack - Toss those bugs inna sack.
Capping - Battleground timers and other goodies.
Cartographer - Addon to manipulate the map
Cartographer_Battlegrounds - Module which provides maps of battlegrounds.
Cartographer_Coordinates - Module to add coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
Cartographer_Data - Cartographer_Herbalism, Cartographer_Mining and Cartographer_Treasure data updated daily
Cartographer_Fishing - Fishing mapnotes for Cartographer (inspired by FishingBuddy, Gatherer and Cartographer_Herbalism)
Cartographer_Foglight - Module to show unexplored areas on the map.
Cartographer_GroupColors - Module which turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
Cartographer_GuildPositions - Module which shows you your fellow guild members' positions, as well as allowing them to see you.
Cartographer_Herbalism - Herbalism mapnotes for Cartographer (based on PinPoint by Ammo)
Cartographer_InstanceLoot - Display of loot on instance bosses.
Cartographer_InstanceMaps - Module which provides maps of instances.
Cartographer_InstanceNotes - Module which adds default notes to the instance maps.
Cartographer_LookNFeel - Module which allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
Cartographer_Mining - Mining mapnotes for Cartographer (based on PinPoint by Ammo)
Cartographer_Notes - Module which allows you to put notes on the map.
Cartographer_POI - Module to manage points of interest.
Cartographer_Professions - Stub for loading Cartographer module addons based on your professions.
Cartographer_QuestObjectives - Remembers the locations of quest objectives.
Cartographer_Quests - Questgiver mapnotes for Cartographer
Cartographer_Waypoints - Module which shows an arrow to direct you to a specified note or location.
Cartographer_ZoneInfo - Module which on hovering over a zone, will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the number of men the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
CastYeller - Announces to your party/raid important spells you cast.
ClearFont2 - Funky font switcher
Clique - Simply powerful click-casting interface
ClosetGnome - A gnome helper that keeps your wardrobe organized. At least tries to.
ClosetGnome_Mount - Adds a saddle to your mount that can carry your ClosetGnome.
ClosetGnome_Switcher - Tell your gnome when to switch your outfits and get out of the way.
ClosetGnome_Tooltip - Tell your gnome to add its set names to the tooltip.
CowTip - Tooltip of awesomeness. Moo. It'll graze your pasture.
CT_MailMod - Heavily improves the in-game mail functionality.
DeuceCommander - Provides a graphical interface to Ace2 addon /commands
DrDamage - In-game theorycraft. Calculates actual damage/healing based on gear, talents and buffs.
EavesDrop - A simple combat log that displays events similar to SCT
ElkBuffBars - EBB adds groups of bars to your screen showing you which (de)buffs currently affect your toon or some other units.
EnhTooltip - Used to display enhanced tooltips under the original tooltip or in the original tooltip, contains hooking functions for almost all major in game item tooltips [5.1.3604] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
EQCompare - Compare equipped inventory items against items in chatframe hyperlink and bags/bank.
ErrorMonster - Filter and redirecter for errors, system messages and information messages.
Fence - An auction house AddOn to make the life of each fence easier.
FishermansFriend - Doublerightclick casting, autolure and sound enhancing
Fizzle - Show item durability and quality in the character frame.
FuBar - A panel that modules can plug into.
FuBar_AmmoFu - Keeps track of you ammunition, be it with thrown weapons or with bullets/arrows.
FuBar_BagFu - Keeps track of space left in your bags.
FuBar_ClockFu - A simplistic clock.
FuBar_DPS - Simple DPS Monitor.
FuBar_DurabilityFu - Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can.
FuBar_GuildFu - Displays online guild mates.
FuBar_HonorFu - Keeps track of honor and PvP statistics.
FuBar_ItemBonusesFu - Easy display of item bonus info on FuBar
FuBar_MailFu - You've got mail!
FuBar_MoneyFu - Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm.
FuBar_PerformanceFu - Keeps track of performance of memory, latency, and framerate.
FuBar_QuestsFu - Keeps track of quests.
FuBar_VolumeFu - Controls for the game volume settings.
Grid - A modular, lightweight and screen-estate saving grid of party/raid unit frames
GridAlert - Alerts for Grid
GridAutoFrameSize - Auto sizes frame layout depending on group/raid size
GridDynamicZoneSwitch - Configure which layout or profile to load on entering a zone
GridIndicatorSideIcons - Adds four icon indicators to Grid (top, bottom, left and right).
GridLayoutForHealers - Adds common healer layouts for Grid
GridManaBars - Adds manabars to the sides of Grid frames.
GridStatusHealer - Status indicator that suggests who you should be healing.
GridStatusHealingReduced - Adds a status indicator to Grid for debuffs which reduce the effectiveness of healing spells.
GridStatusIncomingHeals - Status indicator that shows amount of incoming heals to the target, using IncomingHealsLib
GridStatusMissingBuffs - Shows missing buffs.
GridStatusRaidIcons - Adds Raid Target Icon status to Grid (Player or Player Target).
IFrameManager -
IncomingHealsLib - Healing spell communication library
Informant - Displays detailed item information in tooltips, and can produce item reports by binding an information window to a keypress [5.1.3604] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
ItemBonusLib - Scans your Equipment for cumulative item bonuses and sums them up.
ItemInfo - Master your item links.
LittleWigs - Boss warnings for 5-man instances.
LittleWigs_Auchindoun - Little Wigs Auchindoun Modules
LittleWigs_Coilfang - Little Wigs Coilfang Reservoir Modules
LittleWigs_CoT - Little Wigs Caverns of Time Modules
LittleWigs_HellfireCitadel - Little Wigs Hellfire Citadel Modules
LittleWigs_MagistersTerrace - Little Wigs Magisters' Terrace Modules
LittleWigs_TempestKeep - Little Wigs Tempest Keep Modules
MCP - Addon loading control after login
MikScrollingBattleText - Scrolls battle information around the character model.
MobHealth - Estimates a mob's health
MSBTOptions - Load on demand options for Mik's Scrolling Battle Text
Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
PallyPower - Raid/Party Paladin buffs
PitBull - Unit Frames of awesomeness. Woof. It'll bite your face off.
PitBull_Aura - Show buffs and debuffs for PitBull frames as well as highlight frames that need cleansing.
PitBull_Banzai - Adds aggro coloring to PitBull.
PitBull_BarFader - Adds fading this to the health/power bars.
PitBull_CastBar - Show a casting bar each of the PitBull unit frames.
PitBull_CombatFader - Adds alpha changes based on combat.
PitBull_CombatIcon - Show an icon based on whether or not the unit is in combat.
PitBull_CombatText - Show information like damage taken, healing taken, resists, etc. on the unit frame.
PitBull_ComboPoints - Show combo points on the unit frame if you are a Rogue or Druid in Cat form.
PitBull_DruidManaBar - Show a mana bar for your Druid when in Cat or Bear form.
PitBull_ExperienceBar - Show an experience bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_HappinessIcon - Show an icon on the pet frame to indicate its happiness.
PitBull_HealthBar - Show a health bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_HideBlizzard - Hide Blizzard frames that are no longer needed.
PitBull_Highlight - Highlight unit frames on mouse-over or on targetting.
PitBull_LeaderIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is the group leader.
PitBull_MasterLooterIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is the Master Looter.
PitBull_Portrait - Show a portrait on the PitBull unit frame.
PitBull_PowerBar - Show a mana/rage/energy/focus bar on the PitBull unit frames.
PitBull_PvPIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is in PvP mode.
PitBull_RaidTargetIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame based on which Raid Target it is.
PitBull_RangeCheck - Range checking for PitBull unit frames
PitBull_ReadyCheckIcon - Show Ready Check icon based on if the unit is ready or not.
PitBull_ReputationBar - Show a reputation bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_RestIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is resting in an inn or city.
PitBull_Spark - Graceful display of energy ticks and the spellcasting five-second-rule.
PitBull_ThreatBar - Show a threat bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_TotemTimers - Shows Totem timers for the PitBull player frame.
PitBull_VisualHeal - Visualises healing done by you and your party/raid members directly on the unit frames.
PitBull_VoiceIcon - Show an icon based on whether or not the unit is talking.
Prat - A framework for chat frame modules.
Prat_FuBar2 - Module for Prat that add FuBar2 support
Quartz - Modular casting bar.
RatingBuster - Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparison
RBM - Provides a base for a module system based around bars.
RBM_Config - Allows configuration of RBM
RBM_TrapWatch - Ice Trap Tracking Module for RBM
Recount - Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display
Routes - Routes on your worldmap and minimap!
SliceWatcher - An accurate Slice and Dice watcher for the Rogue class.
Squeenix - Square Minimap and more
Stubby - Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks [5.1.3604] This AddOn is licensed under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
Tankadin - Official Tankadin mod of the Maintankadin Community, RF Warnings, AD tracker, and much more.
TankadinTps - a threat analyzer for paladins, warriors and druids
TrinketMenu - AddOn to manage trinkets
Yata - Small totem bar with timers
*edit* Strikeouts are mods that I've used, but haven't updated to a working version.