Oct 22, 2007 01:06
They know about all the other crap that is going on with me beyond my nerd posts. So, here we go.
We change, we adapt, we drift... proves what we know we can do and progresses through 3 new tier 5 bosses in 2 days. Take that... Al'ar, Solaran, and Lady Vash'j all down. We basically spent the weekend crushing the dreams of about 125 people that all thought they were better than us.
Our group has struck like this before but it hasn't been since Blackwing Lair eons ago when we got a first down from Vaelastrasz to Chromaggus in one night.
I know this doesn't mean much to most of you... And yeah, it may be at something that doesn't really matter. But it is nice to know people feel bad because you are better than them. People tried to make our guild the brunt of jokes because we keep a very casual raiding schedule. We finally got tired of it, and got pissed off in the right direction. We progress faster and farther than another guild that runs 5 nights a week for about 4 hours a night. Other groups have completely broken apart because they it took them weeks to do what we did in one night.
Celebratory drink incoming. Kael'thas going down soon, time travel is on the horizon.