(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 18:18

Well...I don't have sth new to write .___. I'm in blank...
well not at all, first of all I will write a letter to aoi_sama , I miss her, she is so special for me, the internet is not the same without she ;___;
I also found a bounch of  fanmails (included Ayumi's one *---*) But I don't understand that thing about CRI
is so...difficult
I wish somebody could explain to me in spanish I would like to write fanmails to Ayu and Emma *---*

And...I think that's all
See how boring is my life

And I have the request for voiceless_scene I made two versions of your icon ^^(the second one is just a little bit darker)


So come on, you can leave a comment with another request ^^ I will post your icons next entry ^^

I also made yesterday a header to airito I'll put it behind the fake cut

PS:If you don't understand my english...just let me know xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Solo en ingles, d todos modos, creo q mis friends saben ingles...en dado caso pidanme una traduc despues ^^
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