It's Time To Vote...and I don't mean for President...

Nov 01, 2012 16:14

It's Time To Vote on AFF...and I don't mean for President...

Source: what-if-your-oppa

Hi guys!

I just want to remind all of you that we now have a
voting feature for M rated stories too!  I am really happy about this as
are many of those that write these type of fanfics.


It’s not being used.

The top fictions on views and subscribers barely have ANY
votes at all :(  And no, I’m not talking about myself.  I’m talking
about ALL of the fanfics on the first 5 pages on each of these areas. 
They should be covered up with votes…seriously.

So here’s the deal…

I know a lot of you read my blog as well as my stories.  I
am challenging you to go back through your M Rated favorite AFF
stories…take 60 seconds of your time…and VOTE! 
All you have to do is click on the forward, go up to the title, and
there is a dark gray arrow next to the title on the left that is
pointing up.  Click it so that it turns orange and your vote will be
counted.  Very easy, quick, and you have no idea how much your favorite
authors on here will appreciate it!

Now go vote!

Not just for me and my stories…although that is greatly appreciated too…but for all these great writers and their stories that they have put so much hardwork into :D

Who knows?

It just may inspire some of them to write you new and even more exciting fics :D

THANK YOU…I know I can count on all of you!  *hugs you all*

Legna <3

An UNF pic from 121101 to end it with…

Credit: 吳亦凡_黃子韜

TAO!?! CHEST!!!???!! *faints*

#kris, #taoris, #aff, #tao, #exo m, #exo

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