OT12 Baby! Here's The Lend Me Your OTP Winners!

Oct 27, 2012 01:28

First, I want to say thank you to EVERYONE that participated <3

turned out to be huge!  Over 100 Shippers from tumblr and AFF set a
course to sail their ship and try to make a case for their OTP!!!


was certainly and eye-opening experience for me too :)  There were a
lot of 'Shipster' pairings that I'd never considered before that came to
light and their 'Sailors' really sold it too!  Some of you were
downright eloquent, telling me why your OTP is important while others
were hilarious, trolling their own OTP as only someone who realllllly
loves them could do ;)  The most avid Shippers sent me links to pictures
and gifs to back up their feels.  Some even went as far as to link me
to youtube and tell me right were to look in the clip to make certain I
would see their ship!  All in all, it was truly amazing and a whole lot
of fun!

before I announce the winning ships, I want to make it clear:  I read
all the cases and responded to as many as I possibly could.  I have it
all saved too for future reference.  What does that mean?  It means that
just because your OTP may not win a spot tonight....that doesn't mean
all your hardwork was in vain :D  See I am keeping all that wonderful
info to reach for future pairings in future stories I will right.  All
of you were EXTREMELY inspiring and I won't forget.  I promise to make
very good use of this knowledge as time progresses and I deeply
appreciate your time and effort.  Wo ai ni <3

Now the moment you've been waiting for....

I'll start with the ships already in the dock...but they got votes anyway 0__0

I am pleased to announce that TAORIS is still coming on strong with 20 votes. 
Good job defending our OTP, lol, even though it wasn't necessary ;) 
It's still really cool I think.  Taoris is the main pairing in The Great Wonderwall of China, Moondust, and Save The Last Dance For Me.  Be sure to check them out in each of these stories :D

BAEKYEOL was also 'safe' but recieved 14 votes
as well.  You really fought for this ship even though it wasn't
necessary!  Now that is dedication ;)  Baekyeol is a side pairing in Wonderwall and they are the other  main pairing in Moondust.  So we shall be seeing a good deal more of both of them ;)

That brings us to the only other 'safe' ship...and this one....even beat Taoris with votes *gasp*!

KAISOO won their slot early with 10 votes.  But even after they were safe, they received an additional whopping 16 votes!!!  The grand total ended up being 26!!!  Therefore you can see Kaisoo in Moondust
as a side pairing.  They were already characters in the story, but now
they will also become romantically-robotically-digitally-involved with
each other.  Curious as to what I just meant by that?  Go check them out
in the chapters already posted ;)

Our next winner was a surprise.  With a total of 20 votes, HUNHAN
has won one of the side pairings!  It took nearly 24 hours to get that
ship sailing but when it did...OMG...did you guys ever get the wind at
your backs going full steam ahead.  I wasn't sure if you could convince
me, but you did.  Hunhan will now be added as a side pairing in Moondust. 
I have already sketched out their addition and characters.  I believe
you will be quite pleased.  Look for them to arrive in a couple of
chapters :D

Now, for the last pairing...we had a TIE!  No lie.

With 11 votes each, XIUHAN and SULAY TIED!!!

So what do I do?  I decided to use both OTPs as side pairings in Save The Last Dance For Me! 
Yes, they will both be in there.  Xiumin and Luhan have already been
introduced as side characters but they will now be moving toward each
other in the next few chapters.  I will add Lay in the next chapter and
Suho after that.

I do have an honorable mention.  Kray/Krispy Lays recieved a total of 7 votes. 
I know this won't be what Kray shippers really want but there will be a
small appearance about this OTP in one of the open stories.  It will be in Last Dance as well.

In closing, we had  a total of 137 votes and 21 OTPs
that were suggested!  And while the above deserve there accolades, I
would like to also thank the other Exotics who nominated their ships by
listing the other OTPs and their votes.  They are:

Xiuchen                                                       7 votes

Taohan                                                        3 votes

Krischen                                                      3 votes

Suchen                                                        3 votes

Chenlay                                                       3 votes

Krisyeol                                                        2 votes

Xiutao                                                           1 vote

KaiKris                                                          1 vote

Sekai                                                             1 vote

Baektao                                                         1 vote

Setao                                                             1 vote

Lukai                                                              1 vote

Layhan                                                           1 vote

OT12                                                              1vote

Yes even OT12 got a vote ;)  At first I chuckled...then I sat back and thought about it...

...reallllllly thought about it...

that will be all for right now.  I have stories I need to finish as
well as those 3 still ongoing.  So that and others will have to wait
for  a bit.  In the words of Duizhang:  "Maybe next time."

Thank you
again for your participation and I will do my best for these OTPs
you have lent to me.  I hope you will continue sailing with me as we
chart a course through the Moondust, over The Great Wonderwall of China, and into the wild beyond.  Just promise me, no matter where we go, all of you will Save The Last Dance For Me...or Kris...or, no, Tao...wait, maybe Chanyeol...but what about Baekhyun...oh heck,

Credit To Owner...if you see this let me know and I will gladly credit you!  Nice work!


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