Abducted Chapter 1

Sep 01, 2011 19:24

Title: Abducted
Author: Legna_angeLs
Rating: NC-17, Abuse, Graphic Sex, Language, AU, Unrelated
Pairings: Benji/Joel, with Benji/OFC and Joel OFC side pairings
Summary: Dr. Benjamin Combs, a 32 year old Geneticist, is about to make his first trip to Moonstation Alpha. He is a reserved, moody but alarmingly brilliant scientist, being the foremost mind in the galaxy on anomalies in human DNA. Ironically, even though his life’s work has bettered mankind and saved countless lives, he can’t stand his fellow carbon-based life forms, preferring to live and work, largely, by himself. His heart is cold and his intellect colder. That is why space seems the perfect fit, he feels, for his work…and his desire that he be left alone.

Unfortunately for the unsuspecting Dr. Combs, the very reason he was sent to Moonstation Alpha is none other than the top secret project from Madecorp, the corporation which owns the base. Their mandate to discover, experiment, and nurture the exploration of our universe has turned up a very surprising result.

They found it. They captured it. They brought it to the moon.

And now, they want Dr. Combs to find a way to kill it.

Disclaimer: Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.

Chapter 1 - Moonstation Alpha Discovery Enterprise, Corporation

"Oh harder! Please Dr. Combs! FUCK ME HARDER!"

Benji gritted his teeth. It was difficult at moments like these, being balls deep in his medical research facility's Director, for him to recall his true purpose leading up to the current event. Oh not because he was enjoying it so much the reason slipped his mind. On the contrary, it took every ounce of his willpower to remain stiff inside this detestable, albeit influential, woman. No, it was rather her constant demanding cries of ‘more' that interfered with his consciousness and disrupted his pristine train of thought.

You see, Dr. Benjamin Combs has the mind of a genius and he considered this barbaric interruption of his brilliant brainwaves to be the utmost insult.

"FUCK! Right there!" The middle aged female screamed unaware of her partner's increasing annoyance with her. As she bellowed once more, Benji rolled his eyes from behind her suspended form and slammed into her in rote repetition. The kinky twit had wanted him to suspend her in cables above her desk and pound the hell out of her helpless body, from behind. Benji had accommodated her, willingly, but now it was time for this to end and the sooner the better. Then he would have his reward.

"There?" He questioned, making it sound good when in truth he was quite certain he had finally found the elusive spot that would make this damn woman cum.


"Yes, there," Benji answered his own question as she yelled like a banshee and tightened around his cock. Plowing ahead, he dutifully rammed in and out of his supervisor's stretched, worn out sheath until her cries became mewls and her powerful spasms could barely be felt by his indifferent dick.

"Th-that was fantastic!" The woman panted out, her usually well-coiffed, sliver streaked hair plastered to her face and neck.

Benji slid out of her, still hard, and quickly disposed of the condom so she wouldn't see that he had not released. He doubted there was even pre-cum inside it. There never usually was when he had sex. Thankfully, he hadn't had to have nearly as much intercourse as he had had to have while in the university several years ago. But, occasionally, that particular skill of his would be required in order for him to get something he wanted.

Like right now.

"It was my pleasure, Sandra," Benji lied with a smile as he pulled up his pants and started to help his superior out of the tangled, bound mess she had so adamantly insisted upon from him.

Gasping from the shock of blood flowing back to her arms and legs, Sandra collapsed in her luxury office chair, still nude.

"Cigarette?" Benji offered and she eyed him stunned.

"How did you know I smoke?"

Benji smiled. "We all have our vices, don't we?"

"All of us except for you, it seems," Sandra glanced at the ceiling. "This is Dr. Sandra Opal Saffron. Fire Alarm and Sprinklers, disengage."

"Voice identification confirmed. Fire Alarm and Sprinklers, disengaged, Ma'am." The computerized male voice affirmed, pleasantly.

"I have vices," Benji lied again as he held the cigarette out for her once more. Taking the proffered cigarette, she opened her desk drawer to search for a lighter.


"Allow me," Benji leaned forward with a hot golden flame from his own lighter and lit the bud for her.

"Thank you," She said automatically, then took a deep draw. As she exhaled she stared at Benji, still standing but somehow not looking the least bit uncomfortable. In fact, Sandra couldn't help but notice there wasn't even a sheen of sweat on his brow. His barely hair covered head showed no signs of perspiration either and his breathing was slow and deep. If she hadn't known better, she would never have thought this man had just had vigorous, teeth jarring sex.

It was unnerving.

"The only ‘vice' you have, if it can be called that, is a curious addiction to coffee," Sandra remarked dryly.

"See? I told you that I have them," Benji mocked her, his smile a bit too cavalier.

"Madecorp doesn't have a coffee shop on the moon," Dr. Saffron pointed out with an immaculate, raised eyebrow.

"They will," Benji said confidently.

"Oh really," Sandra took another long draw and exhaled. "How will you manage that?"

"I have...sources."

Sandra eyed Benji with contempt. "It's not what you know but who you know, right Dr. Combs?"

"Not exactly."

"My mistake," She scoffed and ashed her cigarette in the waste receptacle on her desk. "I should have said it's not what you fuck, but who you fuck, that matters most."

Benji didn't miss a beat. "If that is true about me, then you are now in excellent company."

"Indeed I am," Sandra agreed sardonically. Wanting to push him off of his paradigm, Sandra smiled. "I hope my continued nudity doesn't...bother you."

"Not at all," Benji said smoothly, purposefully running his eyes over the female's body with a good imitation of lust re-newed. "I have great respect for the female body. One of God's greatest creations."

"And did you say that same thing to Senator Lowell earlier this Spring after you fucked him?" Sandra smiled wider as she looked intently for his surprise at her knowledge.

Benji cocked his head slightly to the side, seemingly unfazed by her knowledge of his past exploit with a male. "Yes, I believe I mentioned my respect for his body as well. But," Benji lowered his eyelashes seductively in a lazy way. "You have something Senator Lowell will never have."

"A pussy?" She raised an eyebrow in a final attempt to shock him with vulgarity, since she had not caught him off guard with the bit about the Senator.

"No," Benji smirked and for the first time in their conversation, answered her honestly. "You, dear Sandra, have a brain. And in our current human gene pool, that is difficult to find, regardless of someone's gender. It is to be more highly valued than any other trait, especially those of the sexual nature."

"You know...Dr. Combs," Sandra laughed mirthlessly. "I do believe that is the first truthful compliment you've given me tonight."

"You're most welcome, then," Benji answered her, unapologetically.

"Well we both know you got what you wanted from the dear Senator, don't we...Benji?" Sandra drew again on her cigarette and kept her eyes trained on the younger man in front of her. "And now you want something from me, thus the reason I was...fucked."

"As I said, you would be in excellent company," Benji folded his arms across his thick, muscular chest, causing his white dress shirt to strain over the biceps. "If that is the reason I did it."

"We both know I am right," Sandra said dismissively and reached into another drawer of her desk. She withdrew a small card that could easily fit in the palm of an adult hand. "You're freedom: a one way ticket to Moonstation Alpha; pre-approved by the United World Congress and ready for you to depart...as soon as I activate it as the Director of Madecorp's research program, and I hand it to you."

"What luck," Benji drawled. "It's exactly what I wanted. I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't," Sandra said sarcastically. "It was just...physical attraction...that lead you to the bed of the one Senator who could ratify the current amendment, allowing a Geneticist permanent access to the Moonstation. And it was my breathtaking beauty that caused your need to fuck me senseless moments ago, knowing I am the last person at Madecorp standing in your way to our pitiful, old moon."

Keeping his face a stoical mask, Benji said nothing to confirm or deny what she had insinuated.

"No witty comments, Dr. Combs?"

"Fresh out."

"You do realize I can say no," Sandra turned the card over in her hand and stared at it, prolonging the moment. "I can deny you this card and though you'll get it, eventually, I can delay it for many years still yet."

"Yes, you can," Benji acknowledged. "But you won't."

"Why won't I?" She challenged her eyes boring holes into his now.

"Because you value your reputation more than anything else in this world," Benji stated matter of factly. "And this little, tryst with me, would destroy you if it were leaked into the Stream."

"It will be your word against mine," Sandra said with an incredulous smile. "And I outrank you, Benjamin. Even the Stream, with all of it's monster networks and media servers, can't undermine that."

"Again, you are correct," Benji nodded then slowly pointed above them. "That's why I made sure I took out some insurance."

Sandra looked up startled.

"This is BLC hackcode Zulu Zulu Niner Beta Sandra," Benji spoke clearly. "Show secure virtual screen, Dr. Saffron's office fifteen minutes ago."

"Direct override command, confirmed. Secure virtual screen showing, fifteen mintues prior, Dr. Saffron's office," The computer answered immediately, a large transparent screen opening between Benji and Sandra. The replay clearly showed the two of them in the same compromised position they had indeed been in at that time.

Sandra stared through the lewd scene they had created moments earlier and saw the look of triumph on Benji's face. When the sequence closed, Dr. Saffron sighed in resignation and turned the card over. Benji smiled.

They both knew he had won.

Pressing her thumb down on the card, Sandra activated it with her fingerprint. Glaring up at Benji she said, "You do realize I wasn't joking when I said this is a one way trip. Once you are up there, you are not authorized to return to Earth...ever."

"Well then I guess you won't ‘ever' have to bother with me again, will you?" Benji said mildly.

"A silver lining to the cloud, yes," Dr. Saffron agreed and extended the card to Benji only to pull it back at the last moment. "What about your ‘insurance'?"

"Once the card is in my hand, I will destroy it here and now," Benji assured her. "That is unless you'd like to keep a copy of copulation...for future personal use."

"Don't flatter yourself," She spat as she placed the card in his hand. "It wasn't that great."

"That isn't what you were saying a few minutes ago," Benji reminded her as he took the card and deftly slipped it inside his pocket. Glancing at the ceiling he said, "Last chance: are you sure you want it completely destroyed?"

For an instant Dr. Saffron looked conflicted. Benji didn't give her an opportunity to decide.

"BLC hackcode Omega Zulu Sandra Nullify," Benji spoke crisply. "Search and destroy file and all paths."

"Bypass Command received; code void and null," The computer responded and Sandra actually looked a bit sad.

"Cheer up Sandra," Benji smirked. "We'll always have the memories."

"Enjoy the moon, Dr. Combs," Dr. Saffron said coldly. "I hope you find it as desolate in outerspace as you are inside."

"And I hope you find a good replacement cock, for your insatiable, ancient, cunt," Benji said evilly as he ambled out the door. "Although no matter whom you find, none of them will ever fuck you as superbly as I just did."

"Your replacement is 10 times the man you are," Dr. Saffron snarled as the door closed, then slumped in defeat at his distant laughter.

They both knew she was lying.

* * * * * *

One Week Later


What a glorious word!

It was exactly what Benjamin Levi Combs hoped to find on the moon. All of his life, he had been required to deal with inadequate people. Everyone always forcing their beliefs, opinions, and even their physicality on him; but that was all about to change. Moonstation Alpha had a population of 32 people, or would as soon as he landed, and it was spread out over a 100 square kilometer facility. The chances of seeing them all everyday where highly remote and Benji knew there were only 3 people, including himself in his Biotech unit. The unit had the a large work space the size of 10 football fields and additional living space spread out to the four corners of the lab. This meant that unless it was absolutely necessary, he could likely go days at a time without seeing anyone at all.

That suited him just fine.

Smoothing out his short dark hair, Benji absently ran his hand over his clothing. There wasn't a strict dress code at the station, save in the lab but those were necessary for keeping a clean, low static room. The rest of his time he would be allowed to wear what he had brought from Earth. His soft black, long sleeved shirt was made of the finest silk and his charcoal pants had the extra durable and highly comfortable synthetic material of which he never could quite recall the name. All of his clothes were of the finest quality and made his skin feel like it could breathe. He had always hated suits and ties. Even those of higher class never felt as good or as relaxing as the clothes of his own choosing.

Far off in the window to his right, Benji could see a streak of light and he smiled at the experience. Space had been in his dreams ever since he could remember. When his mind was happy and wanted to reward him, he would dream a special dream that he was on a faraway planet, alone, studying it. Blushing, he recalled that these dreams usually had another effect but he quickly pushed that aside. The flicker of light faded as Benji watched it through the window but he was not disappointed. Such anomalies would occur with regularity now that he was in space. The unusual would become usual. The abnormal would be the ‘norm'. Odd would no longer be an issue out here. It was a place he could finally fit in at because nothing here fit either.

All of his life, Benji had been different. From the day he was born, until this very moment sitting in this ship, he had not done or been anything like everyone else on the planet. He didn't look any different. His body, blood, and tissue were made of the same DNA as all the rest of the population.

However, his mind was very different.

In the womb, he had not been an active baby at all. Once born, he rarely cried but often unnerved those who would hold him as he would stare as though he were trying to look through them. His coordination was fair and his physical development average. Later, Benji had not spoken until he was 7 months old. But when he did, it wasn't a garbled ‘first word', as it is with most infants.

He spoke in full sentences.

It was at that point he had been discovered as a child prodigy.

By the age of 6, he had completed his first original algorithm.

By the age of 10, he had postulated the hypothesis of genetic repair.

And by the tender age of 16, he had discovered his first anomaly in the genome of human DNA.

Shortly thereafter, he had graduated college, then graduate studies, and gone on to study as a road scholar. By the age of 20, he held 3 doctorates respectively in the fields of Medicine, Technology, and Biology. His work had revolutionized medicine, life expectancy, and space exploration. To say he was intelligent and ambitious, was a gross understatement.

But there were many other areas in his life that he had not been as glamorous. His family had been broken when he was 2 years old and he had no siblings. Prestige had been easily obtained but at the cost of any real friendships or relationships. Benji always felt detached when dealing with men and women. He didn't understand the ‘connection' people always claimed to feel with others. Nothing was wrong with his emotional make up. He got angry just like everyone else. Pain, sadness, happiness; all the regular emotions were indeed there. Yet, Benji had never been able to comprehend how people could allow such emotions to rule their intellect. He had no problem overriding them at all and it disgusted him that other homosapiens could not seem to do the same.

The love factor did not faze him at all. He loved his work and had never found a person on the planet that could compare to it. No one loved him, not even his parents, but he did not count this as a deficit in his life. Instead, he embraced his freedom of it and never dwelt on it. Love was a fairytale that he had never wished for and was equally happy to be unaffected by it. He knew his colleagues had called him cold because of it. Every sexual partner had always maintained he was made of ice, not water and carbon.

He had decided deep down they were all just envious that he could walk away and they could not.

His body had developed normally and he had the healthy desires of his sex, but he could push those aside easily. Orgasms were not nearly as fantastic as the rest of the male population claimed. They were a small, physiological release and in Benji's opinion, a waste of time. He didn't find them shattering and other than a masturbation release weekly, he did not engage in sexual activity unless it was needed to get something he wanted. During such times when he was forced to copulate with partners, he never ejaculated. At first, it had been prudence: wanting to ensure he would not have an unwanted child. With men, it had been to ensure he would not contract disease. Now it was pure selfishness. He refused to allow someone else to give his body something that was less than fantastic.

Only once in a great while were his climaxes really worth it. Or at least he thought that they might be. It was when he would have his space dream. He would find himself standing on light tan ground, searching for something. There were cracks in the ground and his skin was always very pale, but in the dream he always felt happy, content. For some reason, even though it was not even sexual of nature, whenever he had it, he would wake up and find that he had ejaculated. There was no memory of pleasure and he was the only person in the dream. Yet a feeling of comfort and peace was there that never occurred any other time when he orgasmed. This was the one feeling in his life he actually enjoyed and though he would never admit it to anyone...he craved it.

Shaking his head to clear such thoughts from his mind, Benji stretched his muscular frame. He was surprised to notice a tightness in between his legs. Sighing heavily, he realized it had now been over a week since his last sexual release and he was slightly overdue for it. The thoughts of his unusual dream seemed to have encouraged his libido. He grimaced as he made up his mind to take care of his weekly nuisance tonight in his new home. Speaking of which, he realized the craft had finally stopped.

Benji stood up in the wondrous ship that had just landed him on the satellite orbiting the Earth and breathed in deeply. In moments, he would exit and enter what would be his new home...indefinitely. Smiling at that thought, Benji walked back to the small cargo area of the craft. Carefully, he checked the compact containers he had brought with him to make sure their contents were both secure and ready for immediate transfer.

Satisfied that each of these were ready, he turned to the largest metal crate and read the smart black lettering once again. It brought a smirk to his face. By far, this was his favorite piece of ‘luggage' and the one he most wished to open once he had arrived at his new home.

"Dr. Combs?" The melodious female voice of the space craft's computer rang out.


"It is my pleasure to inform you that we have completed our landing process, Sir. May I be the first to welcome you Moonstation Alpha. Everything has been activated to ensure a prompt and secure exportation to your new place of residence."

"Thank you," Benji said amused that it was not human but rather a machine that had ‘welcomed' him here.

"A comprehensive guide to the station has been embedded in your iBand and your itinerary for the next 24 hours will be accessible to it as well as soon as you disembark."

"Again, thanks," Benji chuckled looking down at his iBand on his wrist and checking to see that the guide was ready for his use. "Anything else?"

"Yes, Sir. Dr. Martin is awaiting you now in the docking bay."

Thinking, Benji could vaguely recall that Dr. Martin was in charge of the lab he would be working at. He grimaced. Although there weren't many here at the station, Benji had greatly hoped to put off meeting any other humans for at least his first full day here. Sighing, he again thanked the female voice and moved toward the exit. Once he was on the square platform, he hit his iBand and engaged the release valve.

"Enjoy your stay at Moonstation Alpha, Dr. Combs and thank you for your continued patronage from all of us here at Madecorp."

"You're welcome," Benji raised his eyebrow at the overkill statement. In an instant the small platform Benji was on became encased in a thin shield that looked like nothing more than iridescent light. Pulsing, the small capsule moved him upright at tremendous speed until in only a few seconds, he found himself moving inside the station dock.

"Contamination procedures activated," A male voice spoke from the station's computer. A beam of dark light slowly made its way over Benji and the light bubble he was inside. "All contaminates eradicated. Welcome to Moonstation Alpha Discovery Enterprise, Corporation, Dr. Combs."

The shield dissipated and Benji stepped into the pale gray interior of the dock. Glancing around he saw a black haired man near his age, sitting in a wheelchair. Plastering a polite, bored smile on his face, Benji stepped toward him, extending his hand.

"Dr. Martin?"

"Ah yes, Dr. Combs!" The wheelchair bound man replied and stared at Benji's proffered hand, making no move to touch it. "We are glad you have arrived."

"The pleasure is all mine," Benji responded, looking at his outstretched hand and back at the other scientist curiously.

"Oh that?" Dr. Martin gestured to Benji's hand. "You'll find we don't do the physical contact...thing...here much. Courtesy is completely unnecessary out here in the void of space and we tend to be overly conscious of germination from the planet."

"Understandable," Benji said and made a mental note to brush up on the protocol at the station. Evidently, the rules of conduct were more concise here without the need for facades. Instead of being angry or confused about it, Benji was thrilled. The less he had to deal with his fellow humans here, the better. "I would not have been offended if you had simply messaged me upon my arrival. You did not need to put yourself out just to meet me here."

"I didn't," Dr. Martin said briskly, turning toward a hallway and assuming Benji would follow. "It is necessary for you to be briefed immediately and that requires that I meet you here."

"Immediately?" Benji repeated, his mind suddenly alert. "Why is that?"

Dr. Martin did not answer but maneuvered his hovering wheelchair for several minutes until he came to stop at a set of double doors. "Dr. William Martin, and guest. Open."

"Welcome Dr. Martin and Guest," A male voice rang out from the computer, opening and then closing the doors behind them.

"Sit, Dr. Combs."

Benji took a seat at the conference table and eyed Dr. Martin. He didn't like this turn of events and he was annoyed that he had not been given any indication as to what was happening. He liked to be well informed. Information meant control and Benji was always in control.

"Do you know why you are here, Dr. Combs?" Dr. Martin looked at him, calculatingly.

"Of course," Benji answered stoically, but his was starting to feel uneasy. "I am here to continue my research and experiments on the anomalies in the genome of human DNA."

"Is this what you were told...or what you believe?" Dr. Martin said, raising his eyebrows over his piercing blue eyes.

Benji paused and did not let any of his thoughts show. "Both."

Dr. Martin sighed. "And what do you know of Project MADDEN?"

"Never heard of it," Benji said, still maintaining his pretenses.

"And had you stayed on Earth," Dr. Martin said succinctly. "You never would have heard of it. However, now you are here, permanently, and it is my...duty...to educate you. I warn you Dr. Combs, what I am about to tell you will not be easy to digest."

Benji nodded his agreement and waited.

"As I am sure you know," Dr. Martin began, pulling up a small virtual screen and casting an old lunar image into a larger virtual viewer. "The station will be celebrating its 50th anniversary later this year. However, the date is not quite accurate."

It was all Benji could do not to roll his eyes. "And why is that?"

"It's off by more than 29 years," Dr. Martin smiled and watched as that information registered in the mind of his new ‘student'.

Processing this new timeline quickly Benji remarked, "But that would put the opening of the facility..."

"...at the same year we first penetrated deep space," Dr. Martin finished for him. "You see, Dr. Combs, what the public does not know is that our first venture into the universe at lightspeed brought us to another moon, not unlike the one you are on right now. We landed and began dozens of experiments and set up transmitters in hopes of picking up signals and such.

"Things went well for a while until one day a scouting party found something that changed everything. I think at this point it would be better to show you what occurred, rather than tell you. Run archive file MADDEN authorization Martin 27 Beta Zeta."

The screen lit up showing a rocky, beige colored terrain, devoid of atmosphere and with only a half light. A deep fissure in the ground was the first thing they zoomed in on and there were several military men in space gear checking a murky looking shield over it.

"This is Commander Dean Butterworth and as you can see my team and I have just set up the containment field," A tall dark haired solider said, wearing a space helmet and suit. "In a moment, the vibrations will drive it to surface and you can all see for yourselves what we have found."

As he spoke, the vibes from the machines started pulsing until it was almost deafening. The ground shook like it was being sifted and the fissure hissed with a gaseous substance that was extremely difficult to see through the shield. The soldiers stepped back as the vibrations escalated to painful measure of sound. Suddenly, a bright flash occurred within the containment field and a circular wave rolled out of it. The round wave expanded quickly like a puddle in a lake where a rock has been thrown. It covered the soldiers and ripped out into space. The vibrations were silenced by it as the containment field contracted around where the light had been seen.

"We have it!" The commander shouted. "Don't let it go!"

Using long metal prods with electrical ends, the men moved it over the gaping fissure on to more stable ground. As it landed, the field began to dissipate completely, leaving something solid behind. The soldiers moved back once again as the pale mass began to move...and then stood up!

"NOW!" The commander ordered and an electromagnetic collar was thrust out and clamped down. Smiling, Commander Butterworth walked over to it. "As you can see, gentlemen, we have the situation under control."

"Well done, Commander," An unseen voice complimented. "Now bring the filthy monster home."

"Yes, sir!"

The camera zoomed in for one last shot. It showed what looked like a very pale, dark haired human male. He was completely nude and crouching down with the collar painfully constricting around his neck. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open in a silent cry of pain.

Then the screen went dark.

Benji sat their unable to move, unable to think. The images constantly swirled in his mind and he had a horrible sense of de ja vu. Sweat poured down his back and his hands shook so badly he had to place them on his legs to stop them. His breathing was choppy and his mouth was dry. Trying to form a sentence he looked at Dr. Martin, hoping he would somehow understand what he wanted to know.

"Yes, Dr. Combs," Dr. Martin said coolly. "What you saw was real."

"W-was it human?" Benji stuttered uncharacteristically.

"No. It was most decidedly not."

"What? H-How?" Benji couldn't get all of the questions to come out right.

"Evidently it was harvesting something on that moon and we found it via infrared sensors," Dr. Martin flashed the original scan up on the screen. "It was detained via electromagnetic fields and was brought back to our Solar System. However, when they attempted to take it down to Earth it began to cause...problems. They had no choice but to land here on our own moon. The alien is indestructible, as best we can tell, and the zero gravity of the moon coupled with the fields are the only thing that can keep it weak enough for us to control it."

Dr. Martin put up a slide show of clips from the building of the station and then a sequence of the alien in a clean room, sitting in the fetal position. The collar was gone and it was in a plain garb of white tunic and pants but with bare feet. Its face was buried in its hands as doctors poked and prodded it. Samples were taken from its body and the light seemed to hurt its eyes terribly.

Benji felt repulsed by the images because other than the extremely light skin, the alien truly looked human.

"Some of the best minds in the world designed the facility you are now in," Dr. Martin stopped the slides on a picture of alien crouching on a very small bed with its head turned from the camera. "The station has expanded dramatically over the last 79 years due to the need for more energy to contain the alien. The best architects and engineers in the world are still working to better the station as well so that its continued containment may be achieved."

"You mean this entire station is nothing more than an extraterrestrial holding cell? An alien jail?" Benji said totally aghast.

"Well, I guess for the time being it could be referred to as that, yes," Dr. Martin said nodding. "But it has much larger purpose."

"Such as?"

"Discovery," Dr. Matin said the word but he didn't mean it. In fact the word seemed to be very distasteful to him. "There are many things this capture has brought to our knowledge of the universe and we are about to enter into one of the greatest space missions of all time thanks to it."

Slowly, Benji began piecing things together until he managed to calm his body and mind down. His adverse reaction to all of this had not been humanitarian at all. The reason it felt so wrong to him...was that he had seen that distant moon and that same fissure where they had pulled the alien out...before.

In his dreams...

"Have these images and feeds ever been released on the Stream?" Benji asked although he already knew the answer.

"No and they never will be," Dr. Martin stated with certainty. "Look at your own reaction, and you are a man of science. Think how the general population would react. This is a secret and will remain so forever. That is why all residents of the moon are permanent. The alien is here and his secret stays here with him...and dies with us."

Swallowing the bile that burned his throat, Benji's mind arrived at the bottom line.

"Then why the hell did Madecorp want me here?" Benji spat out, his gaze thunderous. "I am not military and I have no experience in space exploration...or aliens."

"It's very simple Dr. Combs," Dr. Martin said softly. "We want you to find a way to kill it."

End Notes:

A/N2: I am very curious to know what you think. Thanks for reading and reviewing :D
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